

词条 黑曜毁灭者

§ 黑曜毁灭者

英雄介绍 (Hero Introduction):


An obsidian construct brought to life accidentally by the Lich King's necromancers, this heartless monstrosity stays animate through devouring magic in the world aroud it. Therefore, it innately has great control over mana and can passively restore it's own mana pool as it casts spells, restoring the mana pools of it's allies in the process. Proud and intelligent, it takes great pleasure in crushing and imprisoning enemies through psionic exploitation. A dark and brooding creature, it mindlessly destroys without care, and most who attempt to combat it never see the light of day again.

初始射程 (Base Range): 450   |   初始攻击间隔 (Base Attack Time): 1.7

初始移动速度 (Base Move Speed): 300   |   初始防御 (Base Armor): 1.0

基本属性 (Primary Attribute): 智力 / Intelligence   |   初始攻击力 (Base Damage): 49 - 64

初始力量值 (Base Strength): 19   |   初始敏捷值 (Base Agility): 15   |   初始智力值 (Base Intelligence): 26

力量增长系数 (Strength Growth): 1.85   |   敏捷增长系数 (Agility Growth): 1.40   |   智力增长系数 (Intelligence Growth): 2.80


§ 秘法天球 (Arcane Orb) 【R】



英雄攻击 魔法伤害



Gives the Destroyer extra power to damage his enemies based on his remaining mana pool.

Deals bonus damage to illsions and summoned units.

一级 - 在攻击中附加相当于毁灭者当前魔法值6%的额外伤害,并且额外对镜像和召唤单位造成100点的伤害。

二级 - 在攻击中附加相当于毁灭者当前魔法值7%的额外伤害,并且额外对镜像和召唤单位造成200点的伤害。

三级 - 在攻击中附加相当于毁灭者当前魔法值8%的额外伤害,并且额外对镜像和召唤单位造成300点的伤害。

四级 - 在攻击中附加相当于毁灭者当前魔法值9%的额外伤害,并且额外对镜像和召唤单位造成400点的伤害。

Level 1 - Deals bonus damage equal to 6% of Harbingers currently remaining mana. Deals 100 bonus damage to illusions and summoned units.

Level 2 - Deals bonus damage equal to 7% of Harbingers currently remaining mana. Deals 200 bonus damage to illusions and summoned units.

Level 3 - Deals bonus damage equal to 8% of Harbingers currently remaining mana. Deals 300 bonus damage to illusions and summoned units.

Level 4 - Deals bonus damage equal to 9% of Harbingers currently remaining mana. Deals 400 bonus damage to illusions and summoned units.

§ 星体禁锢 (Astral Imprisonment) 【T】





Teleports a target allied or enemy hero into an astral prison. The hero remains separated from the real world for the duration of the spell. If cast on an enemy, Harbinger absorbs 2 intelligence per second. Intelligence is restored to the hero after 60 seconds.

一级 - 持续1秒。

二级 - 持续2秒。

三级 - 持续3秒。

四级 - 持续4秒。

Level 1 - Teleports the target hero to an Astral Prison. The hero remains separated from the real world for 1 second. If cast on enemy, Harbinger absorbs 2 Intelligence per second. Intelligence is restored in 60 seconds.

Level 2 - Teleports the target hero to an Astral Prison. The hero remains separated from the real world for 2 second. If cast on enemy, Harbinger absorbs 2 Intelligence per second. Intelligence is restored in 60 seconds.

Level 3 - Teleports the target hero to an Astral Prison. The hero remains separated from the real world for 3 second. If cast on enemy, Harbinger absorbs 2 Intelligence per second. Intelligence is restored in 60 seconds.

Level 4 - Teleports the target hero to an Astral Prison. The hero remains separated from the real world for 4 second. If cast on enemy, Harbinger absorbs 2 Intelligence per second. Intelligence is restored in 60 seconds.

§ 精气光环 (Essence Aura) 【E】


Whenever a nearby allied hero casts a spell, it has a chance to restore a portion of its mana pool. Passively adds to the Destroyer's base mana pool.

一级 - 友方英雄在使用技能或者物品时有10%的几率恢复最大魔法值25%的魔法;对于毁灭者本身的自动施放技能只有5%的几率能够恢复。被动增加毁灭者75点的基础魔法值。

二级 - 友方英雄在使用技能或者物品时有20%的几率恢复最大魔法值25%的魔法;对于毁灭者本身的自动施放技能只有10%的几率能够恢复。被动增加毁灭者150点的基础魔法值。

三级 - 友方英雄在使用技能或者物品时有30%的几率恢复最大魔法值25%的魔法;对于毁灭者本身的自动施放技能只有15%的几率能够恢复。被动增加毁灭者225点的基础魔法值。

四级 - 友方英雄在使用技能或者物品时有40%的几率恢复最大魔法值25%的魔法;对于毁灭者本身的自动施放技能只有20%的几率能够恢复。被动增加毁灭者300点的基础魔法值。

Level 1 - Whenever a nearby allied hero casts a spell, it has a 10% chance to restore 25% of its maximum mana. There is a 5% chance the aura will trigger off of Harbinger's autocast. Passively increases the Destroyer's base mana pool by 75 points.

Level 2 - Whenever a nearby allied hero casts a spell, it has a 20% chance to restore 25% of its maximum mana. There is a 10% chance the aura will trigger off of Harbinger's autocast. Passively increases the Destroyer's base mana pool by 150 points.

Level 3 - Whenever a nearby allied hero casts a spell, it has a 30% chance to restore 25% of its maximum mana. There is a 15% chance the aura will trigger off of Harbinger's autocast. Passively increases the Destroyer's base mana pool by 225 points.

Level 4 - Whenever a nearby allied hero casts a spell, it has a 40% chance to restore 25% of its maximum mana. There is a 20% chance the aura will trigger off of Harbinger's autocast. Passively increases the Destroyer's base mana pool by 300 points.

§ 神智之蚀 (Sanity's Eclipse) 【C】






The Obsidian Destroyer unleashes his full potential; his mind unleashes a psionic storm able to penetrate lesser minds with terminal force, dealing damage equal to the difference between their intelligence and the Destroyer's intelligence multiplied by 10. More crafty minds are able to resist much of the damage, but they expend most of their energies to do so, losing 75% of their mana. Heroes with more intelligence than the Destroyer are unaffected.

一级 - 对目标范围内的敌方英雄造成相当于(毁灭者的智力-受打击英雄的智力)*10的伤害。所有受到小于100点的伤害的英雄将损失75%的当前魔法值。

二级 - 对目标范围内的敌方英雄造成相当于(毁灭者的智力-受打击英雄的智力)*12的伤害。所有受到小于300点的伤害的英雄将损失75%的当前魔法值。

三级 - 对目标范围内的敌方英雄造成相当于(毁灭者的智力-受打击英雄的智力)*14的伤害。所有受到小于500点的伤害的英雄将损失75%的当前魔法值。

Level 1 - Deals damage to enemy heroes in a 400 AOE equal to the difference between their intelligence and the Destroyer's intelligence, multiplied by 10. All enemy heroes that take less than 100 damage lose 75% of their remaining mana. Heroes with more intelligence than the Destroyer are unaffected.

Level 2 - Deals damage to enemy heroes in a 500 AOE equal to the difference between their intelligence and the Destroyer's intelligence, multiplied by 10. All enemy heroes that take less than 250 damage lose 75% of their remaining mana. Heroes with more intelligence than the Destroyer are unaffected.

Level 3 - Deals damage to enemy heroes in a 600 AOE equal to the difference between their intelligence and the Destroyer's intelligence, multiplied by 10. All enemy heroes that take less than 400 damage lose 75% of their remaining mana. Heroes with more intelligence than the Destroyer are unaffected.





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