

词条 《二十世纪西方文艺批评理论》

二十世纪西方文艺批评理论 内容简介

本书选编了二十世纪以来四方文艺批评各流派的代表作,内容包括俄国形式主义批评、英美新批评、马克思主义文艺批评、心理分析批评、神话及原型批评、结构主义批评、读者批评、解构主义批评、女权主义批评、新历史主义批评、后殖民主义批评、性别研究、文化研究等流派的经典著作的篇段。 由于编者对西方文论有着较深的造诣,所选材料十分精到,所撰写的导论也简明扼要、详略得当,对于从事英美文学研究的读者很有裨益。

二十世纪西方文艺批评理论 本书目录


Unit 1 Russian Formalism

1 Art as Technique

2 Standard Language and Potic Language

3 The Theory of the "Formal Method"

4 The Formalist School of Poetry and Maxism

Unit 2 Anglo-American New Criticism

1 Tradition and the Individual

2 The Intentional Fallacy

3 The Affective Fallacy

4 Irony as a Principle of Structure

5 Tension in Poetry

Unit 3 Marxist Criticism

1 Literature and History

2 Critical Realism and Socialist Realism

3 Determination

4 Narrative as a Socially Symbolic Act

5 The Prison-House of Language

Unit 4 Psychoanalytical Criticism

1 The Structrues of the Mind

2 The Oedipus Complex

3 The Interpretation of Dreams

4 Creative Writers and Daydreaming

5 Freud and Literature

6 The Mirror Stage

Unit 5 Myth and Archetypal Criticism

1 The Principal Archetypes

2 The Concept of the Collective Unconscious

3 The Archetypes of Literature

Unit 6 Structuralism


Unit 7 Reader Criticism

Unit 8 Deconstruction

Unit 9 Feminist Criticism

Unit 10 New Historicism

Unit 11 Post-Colonial Studies

Unit 12 Gender Studies

Unit 13 Cultural Studies





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