

词条 wrting for unit 4 of paragraph 9 to 17

From the [the 删去] paragraph nine to paragraph seventeen, there are still many new words that I didn’t [wasn’t] familiar with.

The author says that students still have the behavior of cheating [cheat] even they had got [receive] some precautions from their parents and teachers. But what are these precautions? Such as attend  to [ attending]  a seminar held in order to discuss how to deal with the cheating phenomenon? Or other things are similar like [to] that? And I can know the general meaning of the second sentence, but when I read it word by word, I found a grammar problem. Is there a sentence pattern “find something to be…”?

So [Then] the author raises his question about why students can’t refuse the bait of cheating. He supposes this problem may have two reasons. One could reason that cheating is something like characteristic [nature] that our human being have inborn. Another reason could conclude [be concluded is] that parents and teachers encouraging this statement. I agree with the author. Each of our human beings has experience of cheating along with our life. I didn’t know what the first aim or motivation of the first person or us [I don’t want to know why we are going to cheating sometime]. Partly we are too young to talk about why, partly because we don’t want to infer to that. And I thought people view the children’ behavior of cheating as reflection of nature of our [our删去] people. But people always link “innocent” with “children”. Does here exit a contradiction? That is to say even children are cheating, they are still considered as [to be] good, lovely and innocent children who don’t feel guilty for what they had done [did] to others. If that is right, parents and teachers will change their attitude and, of course, encourage it. Then the cheating root can be dealt with in home is right, [it is right that cheating can be dealt with in home] and can be dealt with at school is also correct. [it can also dealt with at school]

From the 11th paragraph to the 17th paragraph, the author discusses the cheating problem from three parts of his question: human nature, parents’ responsibility and teachers’ attitude and roll. [roll to help students to deal with cheat]

In the paragraph 11, the author quotes the words of mother of nursery schooler to certify his view again. The first sentence causes me stop reading.[The sentence stops me]  It seems like that everybody cheat [cheats] on something very easily in their childhood. I thought I could check these with my classmates. The mother said [says] she will not pay any attention to her son’s cheating on game unless he cheats [but cheating] on study. However, next to that, she also said she couldn’t let her son felt a sense of guilty for his behavior and she used three “too”s to tell us cheating is so natural. In my view, the mother abdicates her responsibility of how to teach her child the sense of right and wrong or it’s too late when her son cheating [cheats] on exams.

What is the reflection of schools and teachers? The author almost uses on [one] thirds of last nine paragraphs to talk about that. And even schools and the most outspoken rivals of cheating are seldom critical of cheating youngsters. The chairman of the honor committee of a university said the honor code only be used for the university students and he thought they are outgrowing and going to become an adult steeply, so they should concern more about their actions and behaviors for they have sense of what is right or not, what should do and what not. But as to the pupils or high school students, he thought they must be allowed to make mistakes, because of their age and incompletely sense [they don’t have perfectly sense about cheating].

And the next two paragraphs are about one way to cope with the cheat on exams. Now, more and more professors are encouraging open-book exams. They thought [think] the former style of exam is for checking how much knowledge students memorize. So the answers are all from books and are very rigid. Thus, if you open a book, you can find all the answers are there.[there] But, currently, teachers know only to memorize [memorizing]is not enough and how to use the knowledge well is important. In order to achieve that purpose, it causes students to foster their conceptual thinking and we could hardly see the crib sheet and peeking. Despite that, I was still confused about “I give open-book problems without unique solutions.” So I have to resort to someone and books. Fortunately, I knew [know] the meaning of this sentence is “I give several answers to each questions when I write the paper of the open-book exam.” Whereas, the “unique” here means “the only one”, what is hard to understand is that the author uses “solutions” next to “unique”. The former one modifies a singular word while the later one is a plural word. Is that ok? I didn’t think the author could make such a mistake. And my classmate doesn’t know why as me. Maybe I will ask teacher for help.





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