

词条 writing7

Writing 7

Today, I started to read paragraph nine. When I read the second sentence, I was confused by it. There were five dashes. I knew the uses of dash, and I knew what dash represented in Chinese. But referring to English, I had no idea. I read the sentence carefully again and again. I finally got it. I discovered that there were two kinds of uses. One was explanation. The dash after the word “more” explained what they have more. They have more expertise, more money or even aggravation. The other use represented connecter. The dash after the word “aggravation” means that they have better “…”. Why did the author use the special sentence with dashes instead of simply sentence? I discussed with my roommates, and then made a conclusion. In my view, the author wanted to relate the characteristics of competitive showoffs more clearly. If she used simply sentence, the special of competitive showoffs would be not obvious, and readers won’t pay much attention to them.

Then I attracted by the word of “five-year-old”. I knew it was always an attribute in sentences. For instance, you would like to describe a child who is five years old. You could say “a five-year-old child”. However, I found this phrase in this sentence didn’t refer to this kind of use. And I also found there were no subjects in the subordinate clause. I kept on reading with the question in my mind. As a result, I got to know “five-year-old” stand for “five-year-old daughter”.

Paragraph nine concentrated on the behavior competitive showoffs. I found the writer defined them with some annoying characteristics. All the things that they did were on account of those characteristics. They preferred to outshine others not only in material life but also mental life. I didn’t like the behaviors that showoffs often looked for chances to show off. They didn’t hesitate to interrupt others for the sake of showing how important they were in people’s mind. Indeed, I didn’t support their manner. In Chinese culture, people consider modest as a traditional virtue. When someone is praised by others, he will say:” that’s nothing. You impress

me.” So, the person who told a story about the sweet little card only wanted to commend filial piety of her daughter. How could the competitive showoffs hurt others just for the sake of showing off? I thought that they built their happiness on other’spain.





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