词条 | Worm.Anap.a |
释义 | § 概述 病毒别名:I-Worm.Anap.a 【AVP】 处理时间: 威胁级别:★★ 中文名称:爱啦酷 病毒类型:蠕虫 影响系统:Win9x / WinNT § 病毒行为: .)如果系统时间是5号,该病毒会弹出一对话框: 标题为:“i-worm.Anaphylaxis coded by Bumblebee/29a” 内容为:“.This is an i-worm. Don't worry, this is not a virus. But may occur the worm has been infected by a virus during its travel and both arrived to your computer. The way of the bee” 2)如果初始化WS2_32.DLL失败或者支持的端口最高版本号不是1.1就弹出一对话框并结束运行 标题:“Setup” 内容:“Integrity check failed due to: bad data transmision or bad disk access.” 3)通过在注册表HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\Shell Folder中查询键值“Personal”得到“我 的文档”的路径,并在文件名带“.ht”的文件中查找“mailto:”来收集邮件地址 4)发信人由以下4部分组成: 姓名1: Jhon Mark Bill Frank Sam Eva Carla Joan Jean Sophie 姓名2: M. C. T. R. 姓名3: Smith Woodruf Brown Steel Driver Seldon Forge Stab McAndrew Gregor 发信人邮箱: support@microsoft.comsupport@netscape.comsupport@pc.ibm.comsupport@ibm.comsupport@intel.com【姓名1】 【姓名2】.【姓名3】 <【发信人邮箱】> 例如:Jhon T.Driver 5)邮件主题:Patch 6)邮件正文:This is the patch you asked for. 7)邮件附件名称:SETUP.EXE 8)通过开启25端口来通信 |
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