

词条 每日英语


she‘s a natural crier.


li ming is the black sheep of his family.


he‘s really a law-down dirty shame.


he‘s good-time charlie, feeling no worries and anxieties.


in the skills of driving, xiao li and xiao wang are neck and neck.


he had racked his brain.


he‘s a brain.


li ming has a lot on the ball.


the man you‘ve just mentioned is but a poor apology for a writer.


he really has no guts.


a flash in the pan


he doesn‘t know beans about insurance business at all.


the girl was brave enough, but as being outnumbered,she was finally knocked into the middle of next week by the gang.


he always likes to play a lone hand.


he got off on the wrong foot when he started doing it.


you‘re still wet behind the ears.


she eats like a bird.


that boy never says uncle.


our team gained the upper hand.


you rose to the bait.


i‘m from missouri.


play to the score.


there must be someone who had put him up to that.(正式:唆使(instigate)


it's not that he doesn't like to help, but that the spirit is willing, but the flesh is week。


with things as such, we'll have to let things slide.


i don't know what has set my nerves on edge these days.


lit bygones be bygones. we are still friends.

28.昨天晚上好险哪。 老板同一个女职员在办公室动手动脚的,差-点儿让他的妻子给撞上。

the boss hasd narrow squeak last night in his office,his spooning with

a girl clerk was almost found out by his wife.


this draught occurs once in a blue moon.


i's call it quits.


she's tight-mouthed.


no big talk with me. i have your number.


ling ling is the apple of her grandpa's eye.

34.杰克体形匀称,个头儿适中,一双大眼睛炯炯有神 ,成了许多女孩子追求的目标。

jack, with a body well-proportioned, about the middling, a pair of intense big eyes, has become the traget of many pretty girls.


talking about the size of population, india is next only to china.


i wouldn't freeload.


casting pearls before swine.


i didn't know. i was only a shot in the dark.


they drove the car and went out for a spin.


1 It is neat.

2 It is righteous.

3 That's incredible.

4 The house is gorgeous.

5 That's awesome.

6 Our team sucks.

7 I am sick and tired of doing homework.

8 I am terrible, I am horrible.

9 The movie was a turn-off.

10 You scared me, you frightened me.

11 I am so pissed off with his attitude.

12 You are mean.

13 He is shaky.


1 I am returning this book.

2 I want to renew this book.

3 He is really a tough guy, he takes no prisoner.

4 Which department is she in?

5 The price will go down.

6 We have a clearance sale today.

7 Can you give me the invoice?

8 She is well developed.

9 I do not like my wife bitching around.

10 She is a slut.

11 What is going to be covered on the test?

12 The final will be a comprehensive test.

13 I think we can bring a cheat sheet with us.

14 The teaching assistant is going to explain the test today.

15 I bombed the test.

16 have you passed the bar exam?


1 Do not prop your feet up. 不要把你的脚翘放在(桌子上)。

2 Scoot up. Scoot over. 往前挪一点。往旁边挪一点。

3 I am going to hit the bed in ten minutes. 我十分钟内就要休息了。

4 It won't be long before we hit the road. 我们很快就要上路了。

5 All things ought to be rolling at 4:30.所有的事情都要在四点半开始做。

6 You have to jump at the chance. 你必须要把握机会。

7 I am fixing to go out. 我正准备出门。(美国南部的习惯说法)

8 He is a redneck.他是个粗人。

9 You are not suppose to stay home during the weekend. 你不应该周末还呆在家里。

10 Never look down on people less superior than you. 千万不要小看地位不如你的人。

11 I can tell you from the top of my head. 我想都不用想就能告诉你。

12 I can tell you by heart. 我可以凭印象告诉你。

13 I can pretty much understand what you are talking about. 我很了解你说的是什么。

14 There you go.你说的对。

15 I do not know what that is. 我不知道那是什么。

16 This is over my head. 这超出了我的理解范围。

17 Beats me. 问倒我了。

18 Does that ring a bell? 这帮你想起什么了吗?

19 I just do not get it. 我就是不能理解。


1 I heard the nature's call. 我要上厕所。 (大家可以理解吧?听到自然的呼叫了,嘿嘿。。)

2 Can you be more specific? 你能更明确些吗?

3 I bought a cake about this big. 我买了个大概这么大的蛋糕。(说的时候一般手也在比划哦)

4 I'll walk you out.我送你出去。(我亲耳听到一个老美这么说过呢。)

5 I'll call on you next sunday. 我下个星期天去看你。(别想到是给你电话哦)

6 I want to run some errands. 我想去办点杂事。

7 You don't need to pull out your stationery.你不用拿出文具。

8 He pulled an all-nighter last night. 他昨天熬夜了。

9 They hang out a lot.他们经常在一起。

10 He was so hard on me last night. 他昨天晚上对我很凶。

11 I have a hard time with my wife.我和我老婆关系不好。

12 You are getting on my nerves. 你把我惹毛了。

13 Get off my back. 别烦我。

14 Give me some slack. 放我一马吧。

15 So, that is what it boils down to. 哦,原来是这样。(大家可以想想,锅里烧着水,烧得水越来越少了,就见底了哦。就这个意思。)

16 Just a spur of the moment.只是一时兴起。

17 He is so anal.他真是吹毛求疵过了头。

18 That is a rip-off. 那真是坑人。

19 I have a crush on her. 我被她迷住了。

20 She is a knock-out. 她是个美人。

21 She is cute as hell.她美得一塌糊涂。


1 Do you believe in love at the first sight? 你相信一见钟情吗?

2 I miss her terribly.我十分想念她。

3 You are a freaking guy.你这个怪物。

4 Do you go out with your gun loaded? 你这一次是想。。。了吗?(当你的室友或朋友出去约会的时候,你可以这么说哦,枪上好堂了才出去。。。)

5 She is a big gossip.她真是个八卦夫人。(喜欢说人闲话)

6 Let's grab something to eat. 我们随便找点吃的吧。

7 Are you finished or still working on it? 你是吃完了,还是在吃啊?(着急要收拾桌子的服务员可能会这么问你哦。)

8 I am eating my midnight snack. 我正在吃夜宵呢。(这里为什么用个my,我也不知道哦,英语习惯吧,只好跟着了。)

9 I am so fed up with your bull shit, cut the crap.真是受够了,废话少说。

10 Hey, wise up. 咳,放聪明点。

11 put up or shut up.要么去做,要么闭嘴。(当你叫某人去做点什么事情,他不想去,还喋喋不休说原因的时候,你可以这么说哦。)

12 You eat with that mouth? 你是用这个嘴巴吃饭的吗?(当某人骂你骂得很脏的时候,可以这么说。。。)

13 You are dead meat. 你死定了。

14 Are you raised in the barn? 你是乡下长大的吧?(骂别人很土很不绅士的时候。。。)

15 You want to step outside? / you want to take this outside? 你是想到外边解决这个问题吗?(到外边打,比个高低,解决纠纷。。)

16 wow, it's packed. /it is crowded.哇,人真多,真拥挤。

17 Do you want a rematch? 你想复盘吗?(打围棋和象棋的时候常听说到的哦。。。)

18 Do you want to separate check? 你们想分开付帐吗?

19 You had better hurry. /you'd better hurry. 你最好快点。


1 We are going to freak out if you do not show up. 你不来我们就要发疯了。( freak out这个词用的可多了,不好怎么明确地解释)

2 You stood us up again.你又放我们鸽子了。

3 A hotel is in walking distance. 有个旅馆很近的,走路就能走到。(这句话比较实用哦,说某某地方很近,可以走路去,很好的用法。)

4 It is worth a shot. 这值得一试。

5 It is black tie.这是个正式场合。(可能是指正式场合里都要戴好领带的意思吧,别说成it is a black tie哦。)

6 Stop beating around the bush. 别拐弯抹角的了。

7 I do not want to go there in the first place. 我原本是不想去的。(很好的句子哦,对于我们菜鸟来说,冷不丁要说一句,我本来是不想这么做的,我原本是要去学校的,等等,这个原本怎么说啊?肯定有点卡搁,而且想出来的英语词会怪怪的,还担心不地道呢,用in the first place 就好了。)

8 I'll get around to it. 我有空就去做。(it 表示前边谈到过的某件不是很要紧的事情)

9 Does he ever get tired? 他有没有觉得累过啊?

10 I never get caught.我就从来没有被抓过。(比如你们聊考试作弊,上车逃票等等)

11 I am sorry to turn you down.对不起,我得拒绝你了。

12 I can not handle it. 我应付不来。

13 I am really not in the mood.我确实没有什么心情。

14 I really want to ,but I got hundreds of things to do.我是想啊,但有很多事情要做。

15 That is enough, anymore is just overkill.够了,再多一点也是多余的了。

16 Do you know how to skip stone? 你知道怎么打水漂吗?(这句话是很简单,但是很少有朋友知道打水漂怎么说,有的甚至打水漂是什么都不知道呢。农村来的孩子就很清楚了,在较静的河水面上,侧身在水面扔出石头,石头在水面漂跳,很有意思的)

17 I do not like ageing people. 我不想猜别人的年龄。(可别说这个简单,我问过一个做翻译的朋友,他脱口而出的答案是,我不喜欢年纪大的人。嘿嘿。。。上网人家问你,你猜我年纪多大了,你可以用这句哦。)

18 There is a big hole in my head. 我什么都记不得了。

19 My Aunt Flo is visiting. 我的。。。来了。(一种生理现象,适用于女性哦。。。对不起,想让大家知道怎么委婉地表达。。)

20 I am not gossipy.我不多嘴,(我不八卦的意思。)


1 Are you kidding me? 你开玩笑吧?

2 I am serious. 我是认真的。

3 Are you making fun of me? 你拿我开玩笑吧?

4 It is hilarious. 真好笑。

5 It is just a matter of time. 这只是个时间问题。

6 She is a forward girl. 她真是个前卫的女孩。

7 He is a night owl. 他是个夜猫子。

8 He is a brown-nose. 他真是个马屁精。

9 He is a yes-man. 他是个应声虫。

10 He is narrow-minded. he is open-minded. 他真小气。他真心胸开阔。

11 The rain is coming down. 雨开始下了。

12 I came up with a good idea. 我有个好主意。

13 You should have chivalry. 你应该有绅士风度。

14 I do not want to be the third wheel. 我不想当灯泡。

15 I am all over you. 我对你非常着迷。

16 I am over you. 我跟你之间完了。

17 Are you trying to seduce me? 你是想勾引我吗?

18 I can smell a rat. 我觉得事有点问题。

19 How could I ever trust that snake in the grass? 我怎么会相信他呢?


1 You chicken. 你个胆小鬼。

2 This is like chicken-and-egg. 这就象是先有鸡还是先有蛋一样。

3 Those fighters just had a dog-fight in the sky. 那些战斗机刚在天空来了个缠斗。

4 Let's pig out. 让我们大吃一顿吧。

5 She is fox, she is foxy. 她是个性感女郎,好性感。

6 She is social butterfly. 她是个社交花蝴蝶。

7 Once bitten twice shy. 一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳。

8 Speak of the devil. 说曹操,曹操到。

9 You are so supportive. 你真是支持我啊。

10 I am just a big fat zero. 我什么都不是。

11 I'll back you up no matter what's happening. 不管发生什么,我都支持你。

12 Where is the water fountain? 饮水机在哪里啊?

13 Don't set your sights too high. 别把目标定得太高了。

14 It takes some guts. 这真需要点勇气。

15 Exactly, that is what I am talking about. 一点都没错,我就这个意思。

16 I do not have any skeleton in my closet. 我没有什么不可告人的秘密。

17 Are you sure you are going to set us up? 你确信要撮合我俩?

18 He is a pervert. you pervert. 他是个变态佬。你个变态。

19 You are so immature. 你真是不成熟。

20 You bastard. 你这个混蛋。

21 Where can I drop you? 你到哪里下车?

22 I am off today. 今天我休息。(今天我不上班)


1 she lives off campus. 她住在校外。

2 Off my sofa. 给我从沙发上下来。

3 Tell her the whole thing is off. 告诉她,整个事情都取消了。

4 I am off the hook now. 我现在解脱了。

5 My girlfriend and I have been on and off, on and off for several times. 我和我女朋友分分合合几次了。

6 Hands off. 把手拿开。

7 Do you know how to do this timer thing? 你知道怎么用定时器吗?(特别是照相的时候用)

8 Do you know where I can develop my films? 你知道我可以在哪里冲洗照片吗?

9 You are very photogenic. 你真上镜。

10 Finally, you are getting hitched. 你终于要结婚了。

11 I'll make you my best man. 我想请你当我的伴郎。

12 She will be my maid of honor. 她将作我的伴娘。

13 I am so bogged down on this. 我被这事情搞的焦头烂额了。

14 I am jinxed. 我被诅咒了。

15 Are you lefty? 你是坐撇子吗?

16 I am still sober. 我还很清醒呢。(喝酒的时候用)

17 If you want to puke, just go ahead. 如果你想吐,就去吧。

18 How many pages did you end up with? 你的(作文,报告等)最后是几页啊?

19 How can we get through this (situation)? 我们怎么能度过这个(难关)啊?


1 I really need to kick back during the holiday season. 这个假期里我可得好好放松放松。

2 You cold shoulder. 你这个冷淡的家伙。

3 This way up. 这头朝上。

4 This is a free elective course. 这是一门自由选修课。

5 I am still up in the air. 我还没有决定呢。

6 It takes forever. 真是的,等那么久!

7 Don't even think about it. 想都别用想。(有点没门的意思)

8 This one is a heck lot worse. 这个烂多了。(就想让大家学用heck。)

9 Maybe I do not deserve you. 也许我真的是配不上你。

10 We don't match each other. 我们两不般配。

11 It's always been you. 我喜欢的一直都是你啊。

12 Your ears are full of earwax. 你耳朵里全是耳垢。

13 My eye is twitching. 我眼皮老在跳。

14 There is no cure for my pimples. 我的青春痘是没治了。

15 She got a cute dimple in her cheek. 她脸上有个可爱的酒窝。

16 I'll put her on the phone, just a second. 我这就叫她来接电话,请等一会。

17 He's out for lunch, please try again later. 他出去吃午饭了,请等会再打来吧。

18 Can you give me a quote? 能给我报个价吗?

19 I'd like to place an order for ten DL-1 color printers. 我想下一份十个DL-1彩色打印机的定单。

20 I am calling to check my order status. 我打电话是想了解我定单的进展情况。

21 I am refered to you by Mr. Gordon. 是阁顿先生介绍我来的。


1 In the middle of something? 正在忙着吗?

2 What are you up to? 在忙什么啊?

3 Can you just give me a ballpark figure? 你能就给我个大概数吗?

4 This new CFO was sent to bring the company out of the red.这位新财务长是被派来把公司从赤字中拯救出来的。

5 Shally just called in sick. 雪莉刚来电话请病假了。

6 I just heard that seven people are going to be laid off next month. 我刚听说下个月有七个人要被栽掉。

7 I am on my graveyard shift.我正在上大夜班。

8 I am just a regular 9-to-5er. 我就只是个朝九晚五的上班族而已。

9 I refuse to work overtime during the weekend. 我周末拒绝加班。

10 Freeze. 不许动!

11 He is a serial slasher. 他是个连续杀人犯。

12 A mamma's boy is not my type. 听话的乖乖男可不是我喜欢的类型。

13 I had a feeling that he is the MR. Right I was looking for. 我有个感觉,他就是我要找的男人。

14 He is an alhpa male. 他是男人中的男人。

15 What is the weather like out there? 外边天气如何啊?

16 We had a downpour. 我们遇到了倾盆大雨。

17 It's really coming down out there. 外边下着好大的雨。

18 It is just sprinkling. 只是毛毛雨啦。

19 You need to put on your sweater, it is freezing. 你得穿毛衣,冷着呢。

20 It is burning up out there. 外边热得跟火炉似的。

1 It is neat. 这真好,真妙。

2 It is righteous. 太好了。

3 That's incredible. 真是难以置信。

4 The house is gorgeous. 这房子好漂亮。

5 That's awesome. 太好了。

6 Our team sucks. 我们队真烂。

7 I am sick and tired of doing homework.我对做作业烦透了。

8 I am terrible, I am horrible. 我真差劲,很糟糕。

9 The movie was a turn-off. 这电影真倒人胃口。

10 You scared me, you frightened me. 你吓了我一大跳。

11 I am so pissed off with his attitude. 他的态度很让我反感。

12 You are mean. 你真坏,真刻薄。

13 He is shaky. 他靠不住。


1 Your shoelace is untied. 你的鞋带松了。

2 Your feet stink, I guess you have athlete's foot. 你的脚好臭,我看是得了香港脚了吧?

3 Stomp your feet. 跺跺你的脚。

4 She got cold feet before her wedding. 婚礼前她紧张得要命。

5 He has one foot in the grave. 他已经是黄土埋到半腰了。

6 That woman is robbing the cradle. 那女人老牛吃嫩草哦。

7 My girlfriend is so neurotic. 我女朋友很神经质的。

8 She is such a high-maintenance woman. 她真是个难养的女人。

9 She is a shrew. 她是个泼妇。

10 I can not feel my hands. 我的手麻了。

11 I am just browsing. /looking. 我只是看看。(在商店里说的)

12 I do not like too much cleavage. 我不喜欢太暴露的。(买衣服的时候说)

13 You do the math. 你自己算吧。

14 Don't jump the gun before you really know what is going on. 不知道是怎么回事就不要乱发火。

15 What is the rent on that? how much is the deposit? 租金是多少?押金是多少?

16 What utilities am I responsible for? 我要负责哪些公共设施的费用啊?(租房的时候问)

17 There are six of us. 我们一共是六人。

18 The ground is hollow. 这地底下是空的。(不要用empty哦。)

19 Just stay put, all right? 就站在原地不动。好吗?

20 You Jackass. 你个贱货。(骂男人用)

21 He fucks up everything. 他这鸟人把所有的事都弄砸了。


1 Could you stop flipping the channels? 你能不能别老换台啊?

2 I heard that a new sitcom is coming out next season. 我听说下个季度有个新的情景喜剧。

3 What was the last episode all about? 上一集说的都是什么来着?

4 What channel is "friends" on? 什么频道播放六人行啊?

5 The power is off. /gone. 停电了。

6 There will be a power outage tomorrow. 明天要停电。

7 The power is back on. 又来电了。

8 The power is running low. 快没电了。

9 Is this tap water? 这是自来水啊?

10 Are you awake? 你醒了?

11 You were snoring last night. 你昨晚打呼噜了。

12 I have a hangover. 我昨晚的酒还没有醒呢。(或者头还很疼)

13 Let's play hooky today. 今天我们逃学吧。

14 You're wearing your sweater inside out. 你毛衣穿反了。

15 Aren't you forgetting something? 你没有忘记什么东西吧?

16 I have to rush. 我得赶紧走。

17 How did it go today? 今天怎么样啊?(父母问刚放学回来的小孩)

18 How soon can you get it ready? 你还要多久才做好啊?(特别是问饭菜什么时候好)

19 This knife cuts well. 这刀蛮快的嘛。

20 I'm sleepy. 我困了。

21 Don't leave your stuff here. 别把你的东西都搁这里。


1 I set the alarm clock for 8:00. 我把闹钟定到八点了。

2 You’re pretending to be asleep. 你装睡。

3 The water is leaking. 漏水了。

4 It’s so dusty. 全是灰尘。

5 It’s stuffy in this room. 这房间真不通风。

6 It’s drafty in this room. 这房间通风真好。

7 Please water the plants. 给植物(家里的景盆)浇水。

8 We’re out of dish detergent. (laundry detergent) 洗涤灵(洗衣粉)快用没了。

9 Would you put up the clothes to dry? 你去晾衣服吧?

10 Will you help me fold up the clothes? 帮我把衣服叠好啊。

11 Please scrub the sink. 刷洗厨房的水池。(水龙头下的洗菜盆)

12 I have to vacuum my room. 我得用吸尘器吸吸我的房间了。

13 Please dust the shelves. 弹弹柜子上的灰尘啊。

14 I have to iron my skirt. 我得烫烫裙子了。

15 I’ve been forgetful lately. 我最近总是丢三拉四的。

16 When is this due? 这什么时候到期啊?

17 Do you have change for one hundred yuan? 你有一百元零钱吗?

18 I need to deposit five thousand yuan (in my savings account). 我存5000元。

19 I need to withdraw 5,000 yuan (from my savings account). 我要领5000元。

20 I paid out of my own pocket. 我自己掏腰包的。

21 What a waste! 真浪费。


1 Shall I come to pick you up? 要我开车来接你吗?

2 Are you doing anything this afternoon? 你今天下午有什么安排吗? (想让大家再次感受英语里的现在进行时表示将来时的用法)

3 Sorry, I am tied up. 对不起,我另有安排了。

4 How about a rain check? 另外找个时间,怎么样?

5 That is a bad day for me. 我那天没有空。

6 What time will it be over? 什么时候结束啊?

7 Sorry, we are sold out. 对不起,卖光了。

8 Nothing beats this. 没有比这更好的了。

9 Would you like a refill? 再满上,怎么样?

10 I feel a littl tipsy. 我有点醉了。

11 I am loaded. I am wasted. 我大醉了。

12 Drink moderately. 喝酒要适可而止。

13 I'd like to request a song. 我想点首歌。

14 Let's sing a duet. 我们来个二重唱吧。

15 I don't have the nerve to sing infront of people. 我没有胆量在人前唱歌。

16 I am tone-deaf. 我五音不全。

17 Then, we are even. 那,我们就扯平了。

18 Please call an ambulance. 叫个救护车。

19 What are you symptoms? 你有什么症状?

20 Let me check your temperature. /blood pressure. 让我来量你的体温/血压。

21 Are you taking any medication regularly? 我常服用什么药物吗?

22 You look pale. 你脸色很不好。

23 She passed out. 她晕过去了。

24 She passed away. 她去世了。

25 I feel like throwing up. 我想吐。

26 I have a stomachache. 我肚子疼。

27 I have a headache. 我头疼。

28 I have a toothache. 我牙疼。

29 I have a slight cold. 我得了轻感冒。

30 I have a bad cold. 我得了重感冒。

31 I have a stuffy nose. 我鼻子塞了。

32 I have a runny nose. 我老流鼻涕。

33 I have a fever. 我发烧了。

34 I have a high temperature. 我发高烧了。

35 I have a stiff shoulders. 我肩膀酸疼。


1 I have a dull pain. 隐隐作痛。

2 I have a sharp pain. 钻心地痛。

3 I have a throbbing pain.一跳一跳地痛。

4 I have a piercing pain. 巨痛。

5 I have a stabbing pain. 针扎似地痛。

6 I feel dizzy. 我感到头晕。

7 I feel sluggish. 我浑身无力。

8 I feel chilly. 我感到很冷。

9 I don't have any appetite. 我没有胃口。

10 I sprained my ankle. 我扭伤了脚脖子。

11 Should I be hospitalized? 我得住院吗?

12 Diana's been coming on to Jack. 戴安娜喜欢上杰克了。

13 He is newlywed. 他刚结婚。

14 I am a family-centered person. 他是个顾家的人。

15 Family man. 拖家带口的人。

16 We just don't get along.我们就是合不来。

17 I have an affair with my secretary. 我和我的秘书有婚外情了。

18 I am separated from my wife. 我和我妻子分居了。

19 Be punctual. 要按时。

20 I was only late by five minutes.我只迟到了五分钟。

21 I am pressed for time. 我时间很紧。

22 Please staple these together.请把这些订在一起。

23 Don't slack off.别偷懒。

24 I am a workaholic. 我是个工作狂。

25 I despise him.我看不起他。

26 He is efficient.他很能干。

27 You are so sympathetic.你真体谅人。

28 He's fresh.他很好色。

29 He has no sense of responsibility.他一点责任心都没有。

30 You are too timid.你真是胆小。

31 He is acting big. 他在逞能。


1 I am young in spirit. 我心态很年轻。

2 I'm easygoing. 我很随和。

3 I'm practical about everything. 我做什么事情都很实际。

4 I prefer wine to sweets. 我是个酒鬼。

5 I have poor eyesight.我视力不好。

6 I hope I am not disturbing you. 但愿我没有打扰你。

7 He's been expecting your call. 他一直在等你的电话。

8 Sorry, she has company at this time.对不起,她正有客人。

9 I'll have him call you back. 我等会叫他给你回个电话。

10 I'd better get off the phone.我得挂了。

11 She hung up on me. 她挂我电话。(没等我说完就。。。)

12 There is no one here by that name. 这里没有你说的那个人啊。

13 The lines are crossed. 电话窜线了。

14 The clock is five minutes slow. 这表慢五分。

15 I wasted a whole day. 我白白浪费了一整天。

16 What's the hurry? 急忙着干什么去啊?

17 I ran into him. I bumped into him. 我碰到了他。

18 How is he getting along these day? 他这些日子过得怎样啊?

19 Are you gaining weight? 最近你是不是变胖了?

20 It's getting late. 天不早了。

21 Drop by sometime. 有空来窜门啊。

22 The floor is slippery. 地很滑。

23 I leave it entirely to your kind consideration.这事就全拜托你了。

24 How long does it take to commute? 上下班路上花多长时间啊?

25 How much do you weigh? 你有多重?

26 It's is humid today. 今天真闷热。

27 It's foggy. 起雾了。

28 It's misty. 雾朦朦的。

29 It's frosty today. 今天降霜了。


1 I know that much. 这点事我还是知道的。

2 That solves it. 哦,原来是这样。

3 I don't know what he is driving at. 我不知道他到底想干嘛?

4 What is she after? 她到底想干什么?

5 Let me know the circumstances. 告诉我详情。

6 Going from bad to worse. 越来越差。

7 It's on the tip of my tongue. 话就在嘴边上了。

8 Let's get back to the subject. 让我们言归正传。

9 You were saying? 你刚才说什么来着?

10 It's a matter of life and death. 这是生死攸关的大事。

11 There is no turning back. 无法挽回了。

12 Let's play it by ear. 走一步看一步,到时再说吧。

13 It's now or never. 机不可失,失不再来。

14 We must function as one mind and one body.我们必须同心同德。

15 It's all or nothing. 豁出去了。

16 I am counting on you. 我就全靠你了。

17 There is not too much merit in doing so.这样做没有多大价值。

18 I am so gullible. 我很容易上当受骗。

19 Don't underestimate him. 可别小看他。

20 That is the name of the game. 那才是最重要的。

21 I can't make any exceptions for you. 我不能对你特殊。

22 Please go easy on me. 请手下留情。

23 Let's not jump the gun. 别操之过急。

24 Let's not go overboard. 别做得太过火了。

25 Don't jump to the conclusions.别那么早下结论。

26 Don't make a fool of yourself. 别丢人现眼了。

27 Act your age. 也不看看你自己多大了。

28 Don't be stuck-up. 别自命不凡。

29 Watch your tongue.说话小心点。

30 Stop goofing off. 别偷懒。

31 Don't go back on your word.别食言。

32 Don't talk boastfully. 别自吹自擂。

33 Make it snappy. 干脆点。


1 Aren't you ashamed of yourself? 你不感到害臊吗?

2 I'll give him a piece of my mind. 我要教训他一顿。

3 Don't involes me. 别把我卷进去。

4 I told you so. 我告诉你了吧!

5 He chickened out at the last moment. 他在最后时刻胆怯了。

6 Don't take it out on me. 别拿我来出气。

7 It's for your own good. 这可是为你好啊。

8 Why are you picking on me? 你怎么老挑剔我?

9 Please line up. 请排队。

10 Don't cut in line. 不要插队。

11 Don't be a blabber mouth. 别多嘴。

12 Duck. 蹲下。

13 Get down. 趴下。

14 Halt. 站住。

15 On your knees. 跪下。

16 Let go of me. 放开我。

17 You're under arrest. 你被捕了。

18 I own you one. 我欠你一个人情。

19 Thanks for coming all the way over here. 谢谢你不远千里亲自跑一趟。

20 I am glad I could help. 我很高兴能帮上忙。

21 Sounds like fun. 听起来好象很有趣。

22 What you say is partly right. 你说的也有点对。

23 In a sense he is right. 从某种意义上说,他是对的。

24 You idea is fundamentally wrong. 你的想法根本就是错的。

25 There is no gurarantee.不能保证。

26 He give me an ambiguous answer. 他给我一个很含糊的答复。

27 Give me a definite answer. 给我一个明确的回答。

28 Let me hear your candid opinion. 让我听听你的直言。

29 That kind of chance comes once in a blue moon. 那是千载难逢的机会。

30 Let's leave well enough alone. 我们就不要画蛇添足了。

§ 常用的俚语

• No wisdom like silence智者寡言

• Necessity knows no law铤而走险

• Many hands make light work人多好办事

• Don´t play the goat不要胡闹

• They’re a barrel of laughs他们很搞笑

• This movie was just a hype这部电影完全是在炒作

• the shortest straw下下签

• The news came as a bombshell这个消息犹如晴天霹雳

• feeling low意气消沉

• These are more than old wives´ tales这些可不是无稽之谈

• That’ll save your skin那可帮你度过难关

• Every bad has some good 坏事情也有好的一面

• Some things rub them the wrong way他们被惹怒了

• Stay put停住不动

• to fly off the handle突然生气、发怒

• He is really on the ball他真的思路很敏捷

• got savoir faire言行得体

• He has never rested on his laurels他从不满足目前的成就

• Jump down someone’s throat生气地批评

• put a roof over one’s head找个地方安顿

• faced the music报应

• blinded with science无言以对

• Off one’s rocker缺乏理智

• old goat老古板(通常指年长者)

• Welcome!It’s lovely to see you欢迎!见到你真高兴!

• What’s gotten into you?你怎么了?

• Coffee kept them on the go咖啡使他们充满活力;

• Shine on搁在一旁;

• Monkey(around)with乱动;

• I think I get the drift我知道了;

• get the drift明白,了解

• The meeting will start at 10 o´clock sharp会议十点准时开始;

• like taking candy from a baby形容某事易如反掌

• Home is where the heart is家是心之所在

• From the word go 从头到尾;

• They help make it less of a dog´s life他们帮忙改善生活;

• Half-baked 不成熟的

• bend the rules at times网开一面





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