词条 | wentworth |
释义 | 基本资料 外文名: Wentworth Earl Miller III 中文名: 温特沃斯 爱尔 米勒 三世 Nickname:Stinky 昵称:斯丁 Birthdate: June 2, 1972 出生日期:1972年6月2日 Zodiac Sign: Gemini 星座:双子 Birthplace: Chipping Norton, Oxfordshire, England, UK 出生地:英国 牛津郡 其普诺顿 国籍: 英国 毕业院校: 普林斯顿大学英文系 Current Residence: Los Angeles, California 现居地:加里福尼亚 洛衫矶 § 基本资料 wentworth 绰号(大学时期):Stinky 星座:双子座 身高:6英尺零半英寸(1.84-1.85米左右) 体重:随季节变化和工作强度作正弦波动^^ 鞋码:北美11.5码(欧码/中国码: 45.5,日本码: 29.5) 腰围:34 英寸(约合2.59尺) 血型:没有报道(注: 血型在西方人眼里大概算得上个人隐私,一般不会随便公布) 眼睛颜色:左眼-棕绿色(Hazel)右眼-绿棕色(还是Hazel):-P 发色:黑色 家庭:父亲Wentworth Earl Miller II ,母亲Joy ,两个妹妹:Gillian和Leigh 出生地: (Chipping Norton, Oxfordshire, UK) 成长地:纽约,布鲁克林 (Brooklyn, New York) 现居地:加里福尼亚 ,洛衫矶 (Los Angeles, California) 特长:清唱 (大学时加入了合唱队The Tigertones,而且参加录制了两张专辑) § 成长经历 主演《越狱》 Wentworth这个名字是他的祖母起的。父子俩都叫这个名字是因为受了简。奥斯汀一个小说人物——Wentworth船长的启发。Wentworth实际上是一个姓所以小went就有了两个姓。Wentworth里的went代表英国Northumberland的一条河,而worth代表地方。 绿眼睛的小Miller在oxfordshire度过了他的童年,在那儿,他爸爸继续法律研究。为了完成他的研究,went一家搬到了纽约的prospect park。 在纽约,他爸爸的工作是一名助手律师而妈妈则是一名特殊教育老师。在最近的采访中,Wentworth回忆到,“我是在一种特别的“工作道德”(work ethic)氛围中长大的,如果你要做一份工作,必须把它做好,千万别半途而废。我记得当我可以自己走路去上学的时候,我爸爸跟我说过一句话,每次小测验,每句和老师说的话,它们都会算在你的期末成绩里,这些将会影响到你上哪所大学和你的一辈子。不起眼的小事加起来就会变成大事。” 由于受这种工作道德和第一次演出经验的影响,对他那不经意间激励他成为一个演员的爸爸来说,小went未来的职业道路都是未知的。“我的第一次演出是在幼儿园,我们在演一出关于恐龙的戏,我演T-rex。戏服都是自己做的,大多数小孩都把那种纸带子套在头上,但是我爸爸用paper-mache(不知道是啥玩意)给我做了一个大大的T-rex的头……在演出的那天,当我带着这个大头出现在观众面前时,他们都为之疯狂。” 在went读书的时候,不管他父母是否愿意,他都会在舞台上演出。他在Brooklyn的Mid wood高中读书的时候,第一次尝到了心碎的滋味。在六年级的一次学校作业中,小went决定在班里说说他的family tree,当时,他的女朋友并没有意识到他是一个混血儿。当知道这件事后,她说:“回你的种植园去吧,黑鬼”,这样的事情不是第一次也不是最后一次,在种族身份上的困扰成了他的心病。 当他在Midwood高中读书的时候,他住在Prospect park,这个地方被称为他的宇宙(universe)。也就是在这个时候,他的父母给他生了两个妹妹,Wentworth的生活因此发生了突变。在brooklyn,“这里有各种各样的人,在地铁站,你和各个种族,不同信仰的人擦肩而过。”之后,在went上高中以前,他们一家搬到了Sewickley,“我父母早已经盘算着离开城里了,我有两个妹妹,他们对于在大都市的环境里抚养子女感到忧虑。纽约那种生活节奏让人筋疲力尽,我们已经在那里呆了13年了。他们打听到了Pittsburgh的种种好处,问我愿不愿意离开high school(高中么?不是还没上高中么?搞不懂)。我当然愿意了,我想知道在郊区上学是什么样的滋味。Midwood高中有各种文化背景的学生,Quaker Valley高中和它是非常不同的。我在brooklyn的学校有3000个学生,他们数量众多,又有着迷人的差异。而Quaker Valley最多只有400个学生。所以我的班级排名直线上升,这很不错。Sewickley这个小镇如同一个社区一般,我在那里有着非常powerful和supportive的体验。” 当went在QV上学时,他爸爸开始研究LEEWS,这个系统帮助了许多为通过困难的法律考试而焦虑的学生。 高中毕业后,went被Princeton录取了。因为“我成长在一个非常有益却争议多多的环境,大家都希望我上大学并且开创自己的职业生涯。” 他的种族主义经历和认同危机使他有了不好的名誉和stinky的昵称,这个名字从Midwood高中开始一直跟着他进了Princeton。“我以前态度不好,不过现在我可是个好孩子了。”1994年,当他上大三的时候,这个bad boy attitude让他在Princeton陷入麻烦。在为人性污点做宣传的时候,这件事又被翻出来了 相关链接 《越狱》 § 个人作品 § Go Fish (1998) TV episode .... Gage Petronzi Miscellaneous Crew: 幕后工作 1. Vows of Deception (1996) (TV) (production associate) 2. Gone in the Night (1996) (TV) (production associate) 3. Shaughnessy (1996) (TV) (production associate) § Episode dated 3 December 2003 (2003) TV episode .... Himself 8. Discovering Dinotopia (2002) (TV) .... David Scott / Host 9. Evolution: The Making of 'Dinotopia' (2002) (TV) .... David Scott Archive Footage: § Episode #1.3 (2005) TV episode (uncredited) .... Himself § 成就荣誉 wentworth Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Films, USA 2006, Nominated, Saturn Award, Best Actor on Television, for: "Prison Break" (2005) Black Reel Awards 2004, Nominated, Black Reel, Film: Best Actor, for: The Human Stain (2003) 2004, Nominated, Black Reel, Film: Best Breakthrough Performance, for: The Human Stain (2003) Golden Globes, USA 2006, Nominated, Golden Globe, Best Performance by an Actor in a Television Series - Drama, for: "Prison Break" (2005) Teen Choice Awards 2007, Nominated, Teen Choice Award, Choice TV Actor: Drama, for: "Prison Break" (2005) 2006, Nominated, Teen Choice Award, TV - Choice Actor, for: "Prison Break" (2005) 2006, Nominated, Teen Choice Award, TV - Choice Breakout Star, for: "Prison Break" (2005) 2008年在世界最有影响力的时尚杂志《cosmopolitan》World's Sexiest Man poll top 25的评选中 排名第十位 仅次于球星贝克汉姆。 § 相关事件 Wentworth的一些琐事 1. When Wentworth walks outside with the body art from Prison Break, "...people look at [him] with, well, not newfound respect but perhaps suspicion." 1.当went带着越狱里的文身走在外面时,人们看着他并不是出于敬畏,而是有点怀疑。 2. Wentworth's popularity went up 614% on The Lycos 50, since Prison Break premiered on FOX. 2.当越狱在fox首次播出后,went在Lycos 50的名声上升614% 3. Wentworth was a part of a group called the Tigertones while attending Princeton; they recorded two albums. 3.went在普林斯顿的时候 是一个叫做Tigertones组合的成员 他们录制了2张专集 4. About being in prison: "I wouldn't last long. I'd get shanked in, like, five minutes." 4.关于入狱:“我挺不了多久。估计我进去5分钟就被人捅了” 5. Wentworth graced the cover of Interview magazine in February 2005. 5.went出现在2005年2月的Interview杂志封面 6. Wentworth loves to read. He says, "A great book provides escapism for me. The artistry and the creativity in a story are better than any drugs." 6.went喜欢读书.他说:一本好的书让我逃避现实.书里的艺术和创造远好过任何药物. 7. In January 2004, Wentworth appeared in an anti-drug ad. 7.2004年1月 went 出现在一个反毒品广告上. 8. Wentworth is featured in the October 2th-8th, 2005 issue of TV Guide. 8.went在200510月2-8号发行的TV Guide中有特写 9. Wentworth was named "TV's Hottest New Face" in Insider Magazine, the week of October 24th-30th, 2005. 9.went 在2005年10月24-30的Insider杂志被称为电视上最性感的新面孔. 10. On Prison Break, Wentworth says, "There are deeper emotional and psychological issues at work here." 10.went说:这份工作涉及到的情感和精神方面比较深。 11. On his character in Prison Break, Wentworth says, "Michael was a success in his pre-prison life. He had a career, friends, girlfriends, and yet he was willing to throw that away and go to jail to save his brother. That's not something your average Joe would do." 11.对于他在越狱中的角色.went说:Michael在进入监狱之前很成功,有事业、朋友 、女朋友,而他却愿意扔掉这些去监狱救他的哥哥。这并不是一般的家伙会做的事。 12. On Jesus Christ Superstar, Wentworth remarks, "It's just hippie- licious..." 12. 对于Jesus Christ Superstar (音乐剧)went认为它 “嬉皮得美滋美味“。 13. Anna Devere Smith, Wentworth's co-star in Human Stain said, "I did love working with Wentworth. He's really an extraordinary, interesting young man." 13.在人性污点和went一起主演的Anna Devere Smith说:我很喜欢和went一起工作 他真是一个特别的,有趣的年轻人 14. Wentworth enjoys the following quote from Toni Morrison's Beloved: "Definitions belong to the definers and not the defined." 14.went喜欢来自Toni Morrison的小说《宠儿》的一句话:定义属于定义者, 而不是被定义的(人或物) 15. Wentworth worked at Borders for two years before getting his break in acting. 15.在得到他的表演机会之前went在Borders工作了2年(Borders,美国连锁书店) 16. Wentworth has a 1983 Mercedes 300 from his grandmother. 16.went从祖母/外婆那里继承了一辆1983年的 Mercedes 300 17. Back to college, Wentworth's nickname was "Stinky." 17.wentd大学时的绰号叫Stinky 18. One of Wentworth's secret talents is a cappella singing. He used to be a member of Princeton's all male glee club. 18.went的一个秘密才能是清唱. 他以前是普林斯顿一个男生清唱团的成员 (glee club)a group of people who sing together for enjoyment 19. Wentworth's favorite tv show is Law and Order. 19.went最喜欢的电视是《法律与秩序》 20. Wentworth's favorite game is Scrabble. 20.went最喜欢的游戏是拼字游戏 21. Wentworth was born in England, but raised in New York. 21.went 出生在英国,在纽约长大。 22. Wentworth says, "I think the character I play [on Prisonbreak] is potentially sexy." 22.went说:我认为越狱中我扮演的角色有那么点小性感 23. Wentworth says, "I'm kind of a dork. I don't have much game. I'm not particularly comfortable in bars or clubs. I much prefer being home playing Scrabble, having dinner with a couple friends, going to see a movie, or losing a whole weekend to Season 14 of Law and Order or The Simpsons." 23.went说:是个书呆子,不会玩什么花样. 在酒吧或者俱乐部里我会感到非常不自在 我更愿意在家里玩拼字,和朋友们吃晚餐,看场电影,或者花一整个周末看《法律与秩序》第14季 或者Simpsons一家. 24. Wentworth says, "I'm neither sexy nor a star." 24.went说:我不性感, 也不是个明星 25. Wentworth says he's currently "single and too busy to date now." 25.went说:他现在单身而且忙的没空约会 26. One of Wentworth's favorite horror movies is The Shining. 26.went最喜欢的恐怖电影之一是《闪灵》 27. As a child one of Wentworth's favorite movies was Time Bandits. 27.went小时候最喜欢的电影之一是《时光大盗》 28. Wentworth says, "I wrote it [my thesis] on the idea of doubling and the gender identity construct in Jane Eyre and The Wide Sargasso Sea..." 28.小温说:“我的论文是关于《简爱》和《海藻无边》的中的人物双重性和性别构建。 29. Are any of your tattoos on the show real? Wentworth: "No. It's really not my thing, but it is a treat to become someone who's 50 percent tattooed. The whole pleasure of being an actor is trying out things you don't have to take home with you at night." 29.电视里你的纹身是真的吗? went说: No. 我不好这一口:-) 不过出演一个50%纹身的人也挺过瘾的。做为一个演员的乐趣就是你可以尝试一些你自己生活里没有尝试过的事 30. In the movie Stealth, Wentworth was the voice of EDI. 30.在电影《绝密飞行》中,went是EDI的配音 31. One of Wentworth's favorite movies is Dangerous Liaisons. 31.went最喜欢的电影之一是《危险关系》 32. One of Wentworth's favorite horror movies is Carrie. 32.went最喜欢的恐怖电影之一是《魔女嘉利》 33. To find his way into acting, Wenworth started out as a temporary worker in the entertainment industry. 33.为了寻找他的表演道路,went起初是娱乐企业的临时工 34. Wentworth is named after his father, Wentworth Miller II. 34.went是接着他老爸的名字起的,他老爸叫 wentworth miller II 35. On how he came to be an actor: "Acting has always been a passion, and I did it all the way up until college." 35.关于他如何成为一个演员,went说:表演对我来说一直是一种热爱,而且直到上大学我都一直有参加表演。 36. Wentworth Miller about his co-star in "The Human Stain", Anthony Hopkins: "The man is a legend and I've always been a huge fan of his work". 36.went谈论和他一起主演《人性污点》的Anthony Hopkins:他是一个传奇,我一直是他的超级仰慕者。 37. Wentworth talks about himself: “I’m pretty much a couch potato.” 37.went说他自己是宅男。 38. Wentworth says, "You might look at my CV and see I've had 12 jobs, but I've been to over 450 auditions so I've heard 'no' a lot more than I've heard 'yes'. So if I go in looking only to meet my own standards, then that will make taking that rejection a little bit easier. And when I do get that job it will seem like icing on the cake." 38.went说:你看我的简历会发现我有过12份工作,但是我去了450多次面试,所以我听到no比听到yes多多了。所以如果我只是根据我自己的标准去找,只会更容易被拒绝。当我得到工作时 那就象蛋糕上的糖衣。 39. Wentworth says, "When I got to college, acting suddenly seemed like a very risky proposition and all my friends were going to law school or med school or Wall Street." 39:went说:当我去读大学,表演忽然成了一个很冒险的选择,我所有的朋友都去了法学院或者医学院或者华尔街 40. Wentworth has a degree in English Literature. 40.went有一个英文文学学位 41. There are 30 decals in the tattoo Wentworth has in Prison Break. 41.越狱里面went的文身是由30片粘纸组成的。 42. Wentworth is a graduate from Princeton. 42.went毕业于普林斯顿 43. Wentworth on the tattoo artwork: "It's like wearing flypaper and when the weather heats up, your shirt will stick to you like Saran Wrap." 43.went谈论文身,说:这就好象穿着捕蝇纸,当天气变热,你的衬衫会粘在上面就像Saran Wrap(包食品的薄的透明的塑胶) 44. Wentworth made Entertainment Weekly's 2003 "It" List. 44.went 登上了了娱乐周刊2003的“当红“目录 45. It takes two makeup artists four hours to apply Wentworth's decal tattoo in Prison Break. They only apply the bits that are required for the episode and it can stay on for up to two weeks. It also takes up to two hours to scrub it off! 45.went的印上去的文身上的花样需要2个化妆师花4个小时来涂.他们只涂每集需要的那部分,可以保留2个星期.它们也需要2个小时来擦掉 46. Wentworth graduated from Quaker Valley Senior High School in Leetsdale, Pennsylvania in 1990. 46.went在1990年毕业于Pennsylvania州Leetsdale的Quaker Valley高中 47. Wentworth appears in Mariah Carey's "We Belong Together" and "It's Like That" videos. 47.went出现在Mariah Carey的 "We Belong Together" and "It's Like That" MV 48. Before he became an actor, Wentworth was a lowly production assistant for several tv movies. 48.成为演员之前, went是一些电视,电影的制片助理. 49. Wentworth is six feet, one inch tall 49.went高6尺1寸(185.42公分) 50. The stylist on the Prison Break set uses Oster Turbo 111 Clippers (USD179.99) to shave Wentworth and his co-stars' hair. 50.越狱的形象师用Oster Turbo 111理发剪(179.99美元)来理went和其他演员的头发。 § Wentworth语录 I'm kind of a dork. I don't have much game. I'm not particularly comfortable in bars or clubs. I much prefer being home playing Scrabble, having dinner with a couple friends, going to see a movie, or losing a whole weekend to Season 14 of Law and Order or The Simpsons. 我这人比较无趣,也没有太多娱乐。酒吧或俱乐部的氛围让我不舒服,相反,我更喜欢呆在家里玩拼字游戏,和三五好友吃个晚饭,看场电影,要不就花上整个周末的时间饶有兴味地观看《法律与秩序》第14季或《辛普森一家》。 Starbucks Frappuccinos. It's an excuse to have dessert for breakfast. (最糟糕的习惯是?)星巴克的星冰乐。这是早餐也能吃到甜点的借口。 The moment my head hits the pillow. That's when I close my eyes and decide if I'm the person I meant to be when I got up. (一天中最爱的时光)是我脑袋粘上枕头的那一刻。在那一刻,我闭上眼睛并且判断当我起床的时候我是否是我想要自己成为的那个人。 When Im with a woman, my focus is on her, and I hope her focus is on me. If its winter, a little bit of ice-skating or something like that, if that doest sound too cheesy, too Love Story. A fire place. A little food, a little wine, a little music. You Can have a sandwich on the beach and that can be just as powerful as a night out in Paris. 当我和自己的爱人在一起的时候,我的心会在她身上,我希望她的也会在我身上。如果是在冬天的话,去稍稍溜冰或做点别的类似的,如果那听上去不是太差劲或太过“Love Story”的话。在有暖暖炉火的地方。一点少少的食物,一点淡淡的酒,一点轻轻的音乐。即使你只是在海滩上啃一只三明治,那感觉也会和巴黎夜幕低垂下的浪漫相差无几。 As far as being black versus African-American, I have a problem with hyphenates," he says. "I don't want to be African-American or Chinese-American or Irish-American. My family's been in this country for generations. There is no reason in the world why I can't lay claim to just American. 至于黑人或非裔美国人的叫法,我很困惑为什么要在“美国人”前面加“非裔”两字?我不想成为什么“非裔美国人”、“华裔美国人”或“爱尔兰裔美国人”。我的家族世代生活在这个国家,我为什么就不能简单地叫“美国人”? You have to love what you do, and you have to need it like you need air. And there's nothing else that would give me the same degree of satisfaction as acting, which is why I can't walk away from it. 你必须热爱你的工作,必须要象需要空气一样需要它。表演带给我的满足感是其他任何事物都不能给予的,所以我离不开表演。 Between the production's need for doing promotion for its product via the actors, and my personal need to preserve a part of my privacy, it is in fact difficult. Unfortunately, it seems that one has to give pieces of their life in order to increase the audiences interest for a new show, new movie, or a new album. It’s a marketing strategy that I don't approve of. It is a dangerous game, because I think the more the audience knows you and witnesses every move you make, the less credible you are to them. Furthermore, as your notoriety or so-called celebrity increases in the ‘people's press’, you get locked into an image or a role that is not yours. It's the other side of the coin, and I try to protect myself from it. 我要为电视做宣传,同时我想保有自己的隐私,要在这两点之间寻找平衡点确实很难。有时候为了吸引观众对你的新剧或新照片的兴趣而牺牲一点演员的私生活,我知道这是一种营销策略,不过我对此不敢苟同。这就象玩一个危险的游戏。观众对你了解越多,你的角色的可信度就越低,而且随着知名度(或者所谓的“名人效应”)的提高你就会发现自己越来越被局限在某个形象或某种角色内无法获得突破。凡事都有两面,我将尽量不让自己变成那样。 Being an actor is my life. I have a pact with the audience and I never forget to act the best I can, in order to not disappoint my fans. But beyond that professional duty, I don’t feel I have to reveal everything about my private life. 演戏是我的生命。我和观众就象签订了协议,我从不忘记我的使命就是把最好的自己奉献给他们,就是不让影迷们失望。但除此之外,我觉得我不必将私生活公诸于众。 It was very difficult, a walk across the desert, as much financially as psychologically, to the point that I was waking up in the middle of the night and wondering what I should’ve done to make it different. (你如何熬过这段失业的期间?)那是个艰难的时期,不管是经济上还是心理上都象行走在沙漠里。有时我甚至会在午夜醒来,问自己当初到底是哪一步走错了。 Totally, because I fight against tags people put on you, as much personal as professional. I refuse to be what people imagine me to be, or would like me to be. It’s a rule in my life, and neither money nor stardom will make me derogate my rules. 无论在个人生活方面还是在事业方面,我不停地斗争想摆脱人们贴在我身上的标签。我拒绝成为别人设想中的我或他们想让我成为的那种人。这是我做人的原则,金钱也好,虚名也好都不能让我抛弃这个原则。 Increments. It's what my father said to me every morning before I left for school. He meant every test, every quiz, every paper adds up to the final grade. In life, everything counts. (你会为你人生的这部电影取个什么名字呢?)积累。这是我父亲每天在我出门上学前提醒我的话。他告诉我每个大考,每个小考,每篇报告加在一起就是你的最后成绩。生活的一切细节成就将来的你。 No, I'm not gay.I know these rumours are out there ... I'm cool with the fact that they exist, I mean this is about fantasy.Certain people are going to have certain fantasies, if someone wants to imagine me with a woman, or a man or one of each that's cool with me as long as you keep watching the show. 我不是同性恋者。我知道有这样的谣言。有这样的事实存在,我并不介意。我是说,说到底这一切都是幻想。 某一类人群会怀抱某一类幻想。如果有人要想象我跟女性,或者跟男性,或者同时跟男性和女性在一起,我都无所谓。只要你继续收看PB。 I think it's part of where we are as a culture that we're sometimes obsessed with the lives of others, and you know, even though it is the nature of the beast I don't necessarily feel the need to feed it. (回应gay传言)我认为这是我们这个领域文化的一部分,就是有时我们会对别人的生活感到着迷。但是就算这是本性我认为我也没有必要满足他们。 § 多才多艺的went 写过小说、出版过漫画、会柔道、善清唱、名校毕业生、英俊的面容、性感的声线、不酗酒不嗑药不滥交、早睡早起、不张扬、温文有礼……简直是现代社会已经绝迹的angel。这样的went,竟然出于好莱坞这个花花世界,真是堪称奇迹。 [1] |
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