

词条 Dance With My Father

第46届葛莱美最佳感动单曲Dance With My Father

Dance With My Father - Luther Yandross(Luther Vandross Grammy Nominees 2004)2004.Grammy闭幕曲(同时也是第46届格莱美音乐的年度最佳歌曲)。

这是Luther Vandross所有唱片中的第一张Billboard 200排行榜的冠军专辑。在专辑中Luther Vandross亲自创作了大部分歌曲,并担任监制,制作人。这位R&B大师的深厚功力再一次得到了证明,他的音乐毫不夸张的说是完美嗓音和诗意歌词的完美结合,而且他还拉来了Richard Marx,Destiny's Child的Beyonce Knowles等歌星来协助录音。专辑第一首歌就让R&B后生们领教了这位老将的实力,节奏,嗓音,一切都是那么的和谐。可以说提到R&B,就不能不提到Luther Vandross,这位与Stevie Wonder齐名的R&B天王有着超一流的演唱、创作和制作才华。。。此次推荐这首冠军曲算是对这位已故歌手(逝于2005年7月1日,享年54岁)的追念。。。

Back when I was a child, 小时候,

Before life removed all the innocence, 天真懵懂。

My father would lift me high, 父亲会把我高高举起,

And dance with my mother and me, 跟我和母亲一起翩翩起舞。

And then... 然后,

Spin me around til' I fell asleep, 抱着我转圈,直到我入睡。

Then up the stairs he would carry me, 父亲会把我抱上楼。

And I knew for sure I was loved 我知道父亲深深爱着我。

If I could get another chance, 如果我还有一次机会,

Another walk, another dance with him, 跟父亲散步,与父亲共舞,

I'd play a song that would never ever end 我会放一首永远不会结束的曲子。

How I'd love love love... 我是多么想

To dance with my father again. 再跟父亲跳一次舞。

When I and my mother would disagree, 当我不想听母亲话的时候,

To get my way I would run from her to him. 我就会跑到父亲跟前。

He'd make me laugh just to comfort me, 他会想办法让我笑起来,安慰我。

Then finally make me do just what my momma said. 但是最后让我照母亲的话去做。

Later that night when I was asleep, 那一晚在我睡觉的时候,

He left a dollar under my sheet. 他在我的床单下放了一块钱。

Never dreamed that he would be gone from me. 从来没有想过父亲会离开我。

If I could steal one final glance, 如果我能再看父亲一眼,

One final step, 再迈出一步舞步,

One final dance with him, 再跟父亲跳最后一支舞。

I'd play a song that would never ever end 我会放一首永远不会结束的曲子。

Cause I'd love love love... 因为我是多么想

To dance with my father again. 再跟父亲跳一次舞。

Sometimes I'd listen outside her door 有时候我会在母亲的门外,

And I'd hear how my momma cried for him 听见她思念父亲的哭声。

I pray for her even more than me... 我为母亲祈祷…

I pray for her even more than me..... 我为母亲祈祷...

I know I'm praying for much too much, 我知道我的要求有点过分,

But could you send back, 但是你能不能

The only man she loved. 把她唯一深爱的男人送回来?

I know you don't do it usually, 我知道你一般不会这么做,

But dear Lord 14)she's dying, 但是我的主啊,

To dance with my father again. 她是多么想再和父亲共舞啊!

Every night I fall asleep 每晚入睡以后,

And this is all I ever 15)dream... 同样的梦境重复出现…


《Dance With My Father》充满了Luther Vandross对父亲的纪念,清淡的钢琴伴奏,和他伤感的演唱,在爱里透露出更多的是思念和伤感。 此曲获第46届格莱美音乐的年度最佳歌曲。

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