

词条 暨南大学新闻与传播学院

§ 简介

暨南大学新闻与传播学院是我国新闻院系中开办最早的系科之一, 于1946年在上海成立,2001年3月组建新闻与传播学院,是华南地区新闻传播教学与研究的重镇。

§ 学校历史介绍

第一任系主任冯烈山, 第二任主任詹文浒,以后历任系主任有杜导正、周冷、马戎、马彦恂、吴文虎、马秋枫、蔡铭泽等。第一任院长蔡铭泽,现任常务副院长为董天策。

新闻与传播学院于1984年曾办过双学位班一期; 1986年开始办过两届研究生班, 当时共有学员26 人。

学院从1985 获得新闻学硕士学位授予权,2000年获传播学硕士学位授予权,2006年获新闻学博士学位授予权。1987年开始招收导师制研究生,至2003年10月,已有150人获得硕士学位。现有全日制在校硕士研究生137人,硕士研究生课程班学员120人。


本院一贯重视面向港澳、面向海外招生, 本科生中有海外生 689人, 占在读学生72.6%,并与马来西亚、澳门等国家和地区有关高校院系合作办学关系。

History and Present Condition

The Journalism Department of Jinan University, founded in 1946 in Shanghai, was one of the earliest departments in China. It was upgraded into the Journalism and Communication College in March 2001. It is now regarded as the journalism and communication teaching and research center in South China.

Feng-Lieshan was the first dean, and Zhan-Wenhu the second, and then Du-Daozheng, Zhou-leng, Ma-Rong, Ma-Yanxun, Wu-wenhu, Ma-Qiufeng served successively as deans. The current president is Cai-Mingze.

In the year of 1984, the college once ran a session of double-degree course; in 1986, it began to start 2 sessions of master course, in which 26 students attended.

Since 1985, the department began to offer master's degree programs on journalism. In 2000 it was approved to confer master's degree on communication. In 1987 it began to enroll tutor-led postgraduates. By the end of October 2003,150 students had already got master’s degree. There are 137 full-time masters and 120 part-time masters in the college.

Nowadays the college incorporates 3 departments: Journalism Department, Advertising Department, Broadcast-television News Department and 4 undergraduate majors are offered as well. Further more, it has 2 master degree programs. Currently there are 1000 undergraduates in the college.

The College has persistently devoted much attention to enrolling students from Macao and Hong Kong, and overseas students as well. There are 689 overseas students, which accounts for 72.6% of all undergraduate students. The college enjoys cooperative school-running programs with universities concerned in some countries and zones such as Malaysia and Macao.





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