

词条 back
释义 back adj.

后面的, 在后面, 早过去的, 前(欠)的钱adv.


背部, 后面v.

后退, 支持



1. the posterior part of a human (or animal) body from the neck to the end of the spine


2. the side that goes last or is not normally seen


3. the part of something that is furthest from the normal viewer


4. (football) a person who plays in the backfield

5. the series of vertebrae forming the axis of the skeleton and protecting the spinal cord

同义词:spinal column, vertebral column, spine, backbone, rachis

6. the protective covering on the front, back, and spine of a book

同义词:binding, book binding, cover

7. the part of a garment that covers the back of your body

8. a support that you can lean against while sitting


9. the position of a player on a football team who is stationed behind the line of scrimmage


1. be behind; approve of

同义词:endorse, indorse, plump for, plunk for, support

2. travel backward

3. give support or one's approval to

同义词:second, endorse, indorse

4. cause to travel backward

5. support financial backing for

6. be in back of

7. place a bet on

同义词:bet on, gage, stake, game, punt

8. shift to a counterclockwise direction

9. establish as valid or genuine

同义词:back up

10. strengthen by providing with a back or backing


1. related to or located at the back

2. located at or near the back of an animal

同义词:hind, hinder

3. of an earlier date


1. in or to or toward a former location

2. at or to or toward the back or rear

同义词:backward, backwards, rearward, rearwards

3. in or to or toward an original condition

4. in or to or toward a past time


5. in answer

同义词:in reply

6. in repayment or retaliation

习惯用语(as) bare as the back of one's hand 一无所有; 一贫如洗at the back of one's mind 在记忆的深处, 下意识地at sb.'s back (=at the back of sb.) 跟随某人; 支持某人at the back of sth. 作为某事的主使者be glad to see sb.'s back (= be glad to see the back of sb.) 巴不得某人离开; 希望摆脱某人be laid on one's back 卧病在床be on one's back 仰卧; [口]卧病; [口]毫无办法, 一筹莫展be on sb.'s back 成为某人的负担; 不断地挑剔[嘲笑]某人be thrown on one's back (在摔跤比赛中)被摔倒两肩着地; 被打得大败behind sb.'s back 背着某人, 背地里(常带贬义)break sb.'s back 使其负担过重而不能胜任 使某人失败[破产]break the back of sth. 完成某事的最艰难部分 挫败; 伤其要害break the camel's back 使顶不住或忍不住cast sth. behind one's back 把某事置之脑后, 蔑视某事clap sb. on the back 拍拍某人的肩膀(表示祝贺或鼓励)get back at sb. [口]向某人报复get off sb.'s back 不再成为某人的负担; 不再找某人麻烦get on sb.'s back 麻烦某人get one's back up [口](使)发怒; (使)产生对抗情绪; (使)倔强起来put one's back up [口](使)发怒; (使)产生对抗情绪; (使)倔强起来set one's back up [口](使)发怒; (使)产生对抗情绪; (使)倔强起来get sb.'s back up [口](使)发怒; (使)产生对抗情绪; (使)倔强起来put sb.'s back up [口](使)发怒; (使)产生对抗情绪; (使)倔强起来set sb.'s back up [口](使)发怒; (使)产生对抗情绪; (使)倔强起来get to the back of sth. 彻底了解事物底细, 弄清真相give sb. the back 不再理睬某人, 舍某人而去go behind sb.'s back 在某人背后搞鬼, 背着某人搞小动作have...on one's back 背着, 驮着 受...攻击; 受...的责难; 被...不断地挑毛病have one's back to the wall 被逼到没有退路; 陷入绝境; 以寡敌众; 负隅死战fight with one's back to the wall 被逼到没有退路; 陷入绝境; 以寡敌众; 负隅死战have one's back at the wall 被逼到没有退路; 陷入绝境; 以寡敌众; 负隅死战fight with one's back at the wall 被逼到没有退路; 陷入绝境; 以寡敌众; 负隅死战have one's own back [口](向某人)报复, 复仇get one's own back [口](向某人)报复, 复仇have one's own back on sb. [口](向某人)报复, 复仇get one's own back on sb. [口](向某人)报复, 复仇have sb. at one's back 有某人在背后支持, 有某人撑腰; 被某人追捕in the back of [美口] 在...背后; 支持, 主使make a back for sb. 弯着腰让某人从自己背上跳过[攀登]give a back for sb. 弯着腰让某人从自己背上跳过[攀登]make a back to sb. 弯着腰让某人从自己背上跳过[攀登]give a back to sb. 弯着腰让某人从自己背上跳过[攀登]on the back of 紧跟着; 在...之外(常用以表示接二连三的灾祸)upon the back of 紧跟着; 在...之外(常用以表示接二连三的灾祸)one's back is up 发怒, 生气, 失去自制力pat sb. on the back 拍拍某人肩膀(表示赞许或鼓励)slap sb. on the back 拍拍某人肩膀(表示赞许或鼓励)put one's back into sth. 孜孜不倦地做某事put one's back up [口](使)发怒; (使)发生反感; (使)倔强起来set one's back up [口](使)发怒; (使)发生反感; (使)倔强起来put sb.'s back up [口](使)发怒; (使)发生反感; (使)倔强起来set sb.'s back up [口](使)发怒; (使)发生反感; (使)倔强起来raise one's back (against) 不接受..., 对...固执; 反抗ride on sb.'s back 骑在某人头上, 压迫某人, 愚弄或欺骗某人rip up the back [美俚]背后说坏话, 背后攻击Scratch my back and I'll scrach yours. (=Scratch me and I'll scratch you.) [谚]你捧我, 我捧你; 你帮我, 我帮你; 朋比为奸。see the back of 看(某人)离开; 赶走[摆脱](某人)stab sb. in the back 暗箭伤人, 背后说坏话, 诽谤talk through the back of one's neck (=talk through one's neck) [口]说糊涂透顶的话,胡说八道;夸大其词,吹牛speak through the back of one's neck (=talk through one's neck) [口]说糊涂透顶的话,胡说八道;夸大其词,吹牛theback of beyond 穷乡僻壤there andback 来回turn one's back on 不理睬What is got over the devil's back is spent under his belly. [谚](钱财) 来得不正, 去得也不正。What's at the back of it? 闷葫芦里卖的什么药? 在背后搞什么名堂?when one's back is turned 当某人不在时或忙做他事时with one's back to the wall 非苦战不能幸免, 处于绝境back and belly 腹背; 前后; 周身 衣食back and edge 完全地; 全力地back and fill (船顺流而下时)不断地调整船帆使船蜿蜒前进(以避开障碍); 来来回回; 朝三暮四back and forth 来回; 往复back and side 完毕; 完全; 排除万难back away (from) (从...)躲开, 向后退back down 放弃原来的立场[控告, 要求等] 降下 承认失言back end [英俗]秋天back into 倒车撞上(某物)back of 在...后边 支持; 帮助 致使(发生); 起因于back off (车辆等)向后退 放弃原来立场; 让步; 食言back on to 背对着back out(of) 食言; 打退堂鼓 因难而退 取消 扭松; 旋出back to back 背靠背 一个接一个back to front [口]前后倒置back to square one (问题等)回到原来的状态(没有解决)back up 支持; 补充; 倒退; (使)淤塞; (使)积滞





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