词条 | 好地板讓舞者得心應腳 |
释义 | 名舞蹈家施達宗老師指出「一個好的舞蹈地板應不滑、不澀且具適度的彈性,除了讓比賽中的選手有良好的發揮,更可避免成長中的小選手因不當的地板造成的運動傷害。」 早期經常觀賞國標舞的朋友,常常會看到一個現象--選手會捉住空檔,在場邊猛倒水摩擦鞋底,或在當場刷起鞋底。多了這些額外的動作,造成了舞者的不便,更進而影響到臨場的表現。這些現象主要是因為地板品質不良所造成的。 早年舞界熱心人士舉辦舞蹈比賽,常常為了地板問題傷透腦筋,有識之士於是自行訂做地板,但是因設計有欠周全,搬運困難,常常在使用幾次後,導致地板變形,甚至出現破損及裂縫,為了使比賽繼續,權且貼上膠帶應急,選手為了閃避這些破洞及裂縫,心理壓力之大可想而知。 近年來因林本力老師手中地板的出現,早期那些灑蠟、倒水、刷鞋底 ...的奇怪現象,不復可見。林老師年輕是木工學徒,閒暇時對舞蹈產生興趣,十八歲開始習舞。木工師傅出身的林老師,對舞池地板的優劣,自然有更深一層的體會。 為了提昇國內比賽場地品質。林老師根據比賽特殊需要,參考歷次比賽場地出現的缺失,並綜合國內外頂尖高手之意見,精心設計,再經過不斷研究測試,無數次的改進,終於大功告成,舞蹈界使用過後大表滿意,經過六年各場比賽,深受國內外選手及老師的讚賞。 跳過國際間大小場比賽的名舞蹈家施達宗老師亦表示,林老師創造的地板,具有超國際的水準。林老師指出,地板採用高級檜木製作,表面經過特殊處理,不澀、不滑、不必使用蠟及滑石粉,採彈性結構木框,軟硬適中,摩擦力恰當,不但能有效減低選手運動傷害,且地板色調柔和,營造出舒適的氣氛,讓選手更易融入舞蹈,展現出優美舞姿。 設計理想的組合方式,使得每塊地板接縫間無裂開之顧慮。一般地板搬運是個難題,這一點林老師將每塊地板規格設計為四台尺長,二台尺寬,一般電梯進出自如,因此搬運頗為方便。林老師說,除此之外,由於是活動組裝,舞蹈教室如果要遷移,不怕地板浪費掉,隨時可拆卸搬走。 2006年又加強彈性,採用高級檜木,在淡水淡金公路202巷10號金鳳餐廳使用,效果如何,有興趣者可前往試跳。林老師非常希望各界提供意見,作為進一步提升改進的參考,如想進一步的了解,歡迎來電; TEL:(02)29346066、FAX:(02)86631578、行動:0932095170;林本力老師。(全文完) Flooring is quite a crucial issue in a dancing competition. "Good flooring should have moderate friction and resiliency, so that the dancers may perform their best and avoid injuries." said Mr. Shih Da-Zhong, a famous dancer and coach in Taiwan. Back to those old days when the flooring technologies were still immature, most dancers had to make a lot of extra efforts to minimize the influences of unqualified floor. It was very common to see in the intervals of dancing competitions, players spraying water on the heelpieces of their shoes then rubbing or brushing the heelpieces hardly to increase friction, or spraying wax on the floor to make the floor smoother. Players also had to watch out the holes, cracks, and breaks on the poor designed and constructed wood floors while they were dancing. It had caused much pressure to the players. Fortunately an innovation by a senior wood worker, Mr. Lin Pen-Li solved the problems. By using special coating technology on the floor made of Cupressaceae, Mr. Lin, who first learned dancing at his teenage year as a hobby, successfully invented a combination floor set with perfect friction and resiliency that professional dancers dreamed about for many years. For the past six years, the floor had broadly served various dancing competitions in Taiwan, and had been proven to be an ideal floor that "excess the world-class standard," according to Mr. Shih, who have had abounding experiences in many international competitions. "It's the best I've ever had." The floor, composed by many small units (1.2M x 0.6M), is very easy to be transported, combined, or recombined. It gives the flexibility to resize, and makes moving the floor from place to place much easier and more economical. The natural tinctures of Cupressaceaethat creates a comfortable and warm atmosphere is another plus of the floor set. For those who are interested in trying the floor, the Chin-Fon Restaurant at Tamshui is a good place to go. Phone contact is very welcome, too. Please contact (TEL) 886-02-2934-6066, (FAX) 886-02-8663-1578, or (Mobile) 0932-095-170 for Mr. Lin.〔 |
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