

词条 section two in unit 5

I think the benefits of being good-looking spring entirely form one’s being sexually attractive towards adults, but the children are not. We judge a child is attractive or not, we will basis on his lively. In a word, if people are beautiful and lively, they can win more loving and get more benefits. In generally speaking, we will say woman is sexually attractive.

When I have read the paragraph 6, “When good things happen (for example, a promotion), attractive people are perceived as more responsible for the outcome than are unattractive people; when bad things happen, attractive people are seen as less responsible.”this sentence stop me. I feel angry. This is not equal. I think they are too subjective. As we know, the attractive people have ability to do the work better than the unattractive people. So we should not look down upon the unattractive people. Whatever we do, we should not look the surface.





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