词条 | 半人猛犸 |
释义 | § 半人猛犸 英雄介绍 (Hero Introduction): 也许是天灾军团中最巨型生物的缘故,Magnus的力量让人难以招架。他从出生以来就一直为了成为强力的战士而磨炼着。而现在,他已到达了他力量的颠峰。他的巨斧不但能从他的敌人中劈开血路,而且还能发出碎骨冲击,让大地产生波纹。更厉害的是,他的攻击可以通过恶魔魔力的强化,从而轻而易举地粉碎敌人。尽管如此,他最强的能力还是在于他能够产生一个宽阔而且强力的磁场,将那些软弱的敌人吸到一块儿,然后去面对他们生命的尽头。 Maybe the most tremendous being on the Scourge, Magnus is a power to be reckoned with. Trained from birth to become a potent warrior, he is now at the peak of his strength. The Magnatuar钬檚 giant axe can cleave paths through his enemies, and create a bone-breaking shockwave the ripples through the ground. Further strengthened by a demonic magic that enhances his attacks, he can crush enemies with shocking ease. His greatest power, though, is the ability to create an immensely strong magnetic field, sucking in helpless foes to meet their end. 初始射程 (Base Range): 100 | 初始攻击间隔 (Base Attack Time): 1.7 初始移动速度 (Base Move Speed): 315 | 初始防御 (Base Armor): 2.0 基本属性 (Primary Attribute): 力量 / Strength | 初始攻击力 (Base Damage): 49 - 61 初始力量值 (Base Strength): 21 | 初始敏捷值 (Base Agility): 15 | 初始智力值 (Base Intelligence): 17 力量增长系数 (Strength Growth): 2.75 | 敏捷增长系数 (Agility Growth): 1.80 | 智力增长系数 (Intelligence Growth): 1.65 查看完整数据 § 震荡波 (Shock Wave) 【W】 英雄发射出一道震荡波,对一条直线上的地面单位造成伤害。 施法距离500,最大作用距离740。 消耗90点的魔法,冷却时间12秒。 A wave of force ripples out from the Hero, causing damage to land units in a line. 一级 - 英雄发射出一道震荡波,对一条直线上的地面单位造成75点的伤害。 二级 - 英雄发射出一道震荡波,对一条直线上的地面单位造成150点的伤害。 三级 - 英雄发射出一道震荡波,对一条直线上的地面单位造成225点的伤害。 四级 - 英雄发射出一道震荡波,对一条直线上的地面单位造成300点的伤害。 Level 1 - A wave of force ripples outward, causing 75 damage to land units in a line. Level 2 - A wave of force ripples outward, causing 150 damage to land units in a line. Level 3 - A wave of force ripples outward, causing 225 damage to land units in a line. Level 4 - A wave of force ripples outward, causing 300 damage to land units in a line. § 授予力量 (Empower) 【E】 提升一个友方单位的基础攻击力。 持续30秒,消耗30点的魔法,冷却时间12秒。 Increases attack damage for a friendly unit. 一级 - 提升一个友方单位15%的基础攻击力。 二级 - 提升一个友方单位30%的基础攻击力。 三级 - 提升一个友方单位45%的基础攻击力。 四级 - 提升一个友方单位60%的基础攻击力。 Level 1 - Gives a friendly unit a 15% bonus to their damage. Level 2 - Gives a friendly unit a 30% bonus to their damage. Level 3 - Gives a friendly unit a 45% bonus to their damage. Level 4 - Gives a friendly unit a 60% bonus to their damage. § 巨力挥击 (Mighty Swing) 【T】 Muagnus的长矛划出一道弧线,对相当大范围(250)内的所有敌方地面单位造成伤害。第一攻击目标受到全额伤害,其余目标受到较少伤害。 Magnus' halberd swings in a mighty arc, damaging all enemies in a fairly wide circle. Targets beside the primary take less damage. 一级 - Muagnus的长矛划出一道弧线,对周围所有的目标造成12%的溅射伤害。 二级 - Muagnus的长矛划出一道弧线,对周围所有的目标造成25%的溅射伤害。 三级 - Muagnus的长矛划出一道弧线,对周围所有的目标造成37%的溅射伤害。 四级 - Muagnus的长矛划出一道弧线,对周围所有的目标造成50%的溅射伤害。 Level 1 - When Magnus attacks, his halberd swings in a large arc, damaging all nearby units for 12% of the primary damage. Level 2 - When Magnus attacks, his halberd swings in a large arc, damaging all nearby units for 25% of the primary damage. Level 3 - When Magnus attacks, his halberd swings in a large arc, damaging all nearby units for 37% of the primary damage. Level 4 - When Magnus attacks, his halberd swings in a large arc, damaging all nearby units for 50% of the primary damage. 两极反转 (Reverse Polarity) 【V】 通过某种未知的力量,将周围(范围460)的敌方单位牵引到Magnus的身边,造成伤害,并击晕。 对魔法免疫单位无伤害效果 Through some unknown property of matter, the Magmataur sucks all nearby enemies to his position and stuns them with a powerful slam, dealing damage. 一级 - 通过某种未知的力量,将460范围内的敌方单位牵引到Magnus的身边。造成150点的伤害,晕眩2(3)秒。 冷却时间120秒。 对魔法免疫单位无伤害效果 二级 - 通过某种未知的力量,将460范围内的敌方单位牵引到Magnus的身边。造成225点的伤害,晕眩3(4)秒。 冷却时间120秒。 对魔法免疫单位无伤害效果 三级 - 通过某种未知的力量,将460范围内的敌方单位牵引到Magnus的身边。造成300点的伤害,晕眩4(5)秒。 冷却时间120秒。 对魔法免疫单位无伤害效果 Level 1 - Through some unknown property of matter, the Magmataur sucks all nearby units to his position. He stuns them with a powerful stomp, dealing 150 damage and stunning them for 2 seconds. Level 2 - Through some unknown property of matter, the Magmataur sucks all nearby units to his position. He stuns them with a powerful stomp, dealing 225 damage and stunning them for 3 seconds. Level 3 - Through some unknown property of matter, the Magmataur sucks all nearby units to his position. He stuns them with a powerful stomp, dealing 300 damage and stunning them for 4 seconds. |
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