

词条 北京市第55中学

§ 简介

北京市第55中学 北京五十五中学于1954年建校,是一所市重点中学,校址在东直门外新中街12号(工体北侧),乘地铁东四十条下车,乘公共汽车、电车113、115、118、412、416路中街站下车。

§ 具体介绍

五十五中学在教育、教学过程中不断改革、探索,并取得了优异的成绩,学校先后被评为全国首批“现代化教育技术实验学校”、“北京市德育先进校”、“北京市科技活动示范校”、“北京市实验教学普及先进单位”、 “北京市校园建设示范校”,中国第一所“国际文凭学校”。 学校分中国学生部和国际学生部。中国学生部32个教学班,国际学生部14个教学班,中外学生1700多人。校园建筑面积20000平方米,三座教学楼,一座双层体育馆(一层体操馆,二层篮球馆),一座能容纳1000人的礼堂和一座能容纳300人的阶梯教室。学校建立了现代化多功能教室和586计算机房,操场全部铺上了塑胶,为中外学生创造了舒适优雅的学习环境与活动空间。从今年起我校将进行北京市示范校改造工程,改造后的五十五中学,校园面积增加到50亩,新建的教学楼、实验楼、图书馆以及400米跑道的操场,将更符合现代化教学要求。


我校学生有良好的学风,学习刻苦努力,积极进取,近年来高考升学率100%,其中80%左右的学生高考分数超过重点大学的调档线,并且每年都有多名学生考入清华、北大等著名大学。 学校课外活动、劳技课丰富多采,内容广泛,初、高中开设的劳技课有计算机、英文打字、手工制作、摄影、航模、编织、裁剪、烹饪等项目。课外活动有各学科小组,音乐、舞蹈、美术、体育等课外活动小组。学生通过劳技课与课外活动,既发展了兴趣、特长,又开阔了学习领域。十年来,我校学生在学科、科技、文艺、体育等方面有千人次在国际、全国、市、区获奖。仅2001年~2002年度,我校在全国中学生生物、化学、数学等学科联赛中取得了优异成绩,其中,获得金奖1人,铜奖1人,一等奖7人,二等奖7人,三等奖3人,并有多名同学保送到清华、北大、南开等著名学府。 学校国际学生部在开放的二十多年来,先后接纳了五大洲60多个国家和地区的1500余名学生。1994年,五十五中被国际文凭组织(IBO)批准为中国第一所国际文凭学校,并指定为亚太地区总部国际文凭中学项目的示范校。(转)

Combining Chinese and Western Cultures to Cultivate International Talents

------Beijing No. 55 High School, China

Founded in 1954, Beijing No. 55 High School is a city-level key school. Upon approval by Beijing Municipal Government, the school began to recruit children of foreign residents in Beijing in 1975 and established Beijing No. 55 High School International Students Department in 1989. Upon evaluation and approval by the International Diploma Organization, it became the first Chinese member of the organization in 1994.

In accordance with the specific characteristics of foreign students, the International Students Department provides comprehensive senior and junior high school courses. Over the past twenty plus years, hundreds of foreign students went to study in renowned universities in and outside China, including PekingUniversity, TsinghuaUniversity, DukeUniversity and CornellUniversity of the United States, etc. with alumni all over the world.

The cultivation goal of Beijing No. 55 High School is to carry out internationalism, emphasize moral education, cultivate students fully developed in intellectual education, morals and physics and enhance both physical and intellectual fitness.

The education goal of Beijing No. 55 High School International is to bring forward talents with international understanding spirit, citizen responsibility, good criticism and comparison capacity and active participation in local and international affairs to meet the requirements of the 21st century.

Divided into Middle School Section and College Preparatory Section, Beijing No. 55 High School International Students Department implements international diploma projects and students can be awarded certificates issued by the International Diploma Organization.

With Chinese as the main teaching language, Beijing No. 55 High School International Students Department offers Chinese, English, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, History, Geography, Arts, Music, PE, Technology and computer as basic courses, with Chinese and English teaching in different levels for different groups of students in a flexible manner. In addition, a wide variety of selective courses are offered, including Calligraphy, Painting, Chess, Dancing, Pottery, Seal Cutting and Instrumental Music, etc.

Beijing No. 55 High School International Students Department boasts a team of experienced teachers with rich teaching experiences and love for students and the teaching career. With more than twenty years’ experiences of foreign teaching, Beijing No. 55 Middle School International Students Department has formed a unique teaching system in Chinese under which foreign students have access to excellent teaching combining Chinese and western cultures.

To enrich the after-school life of students, many kinds of activities are conducted each semester by the school, including cultural tours to various places to get to know Chinese culture and enjoy Chinese landscapes, basketball teams participating school- to city-level matches, wonderful artistic performances by students, environmental protection activities by encouraged students, social community service at senior citizens’ houses and various shows for students to present and sell special self-made foods and small arts and crafts items of flavor of various countries. All these enhance initiative spirits, cultivate consciousness of social participation, strengthen self-control capacity and improve overall abilities of the students.

With excellent teaching environment, strong teaching and working staff and a teaching method combining various cultures, Beijing No. 55 High School look forward to working with colleagues all over the world for mutual development.





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