词条 | Chongqing University |
释义 | § 英文介绍 Chongqing University Chongqing University is a nationally famed comprehensive key university in China, directly under the State Ministry of Education, also a university listed among the first group of "211 Project" universities gaining preferential support in their construction and development from the Central Government of China. Currently, Chongqing University runs a graduate school and offers a wide range of undergraduate programs covering diverse branches of learning such as sciences, engineering, liberal arts, economics, management,law and education. Founded in 1929, Chongqing University had become a national comprehensive university consisting of six colleges in liberal arts, science, engineering, law science and medical science early in 1940s, thus earned a prestige both domestic and abroad then for its outstanding performance in schooling. A large number of famous scholars such as Li Siguang, Ma Yinchu, He Lu, etc., have dedicated to the establishment of a solid academic foundation as well as a religious schooling tradition of Chongqing University. In 1952, the nationwide restructuring of higher learning institutions turned Chongqing University into an engineering-orientated multi-disciplinary university under the State Ministry of Education. In 1960, Chongqing University was designated as one of the first key national universities. Since the implementation of reform and opening-up policy in China, Chongqing University has stressed the development of disciplines like humanities, business management, art, sports education, which further speeds up the process of developing itself into a comprehensive institution of higher learning. To suit the needs of higher education development in the 21st century, and to further promote the university's overall strength, in accordance with the State resolution on institutional reform of universities, Chongqing University merged with Chongqing Jianzhu University and Chongqing Architectural College on May 31 2000, forming a new Chongqing University. In maintaining its previous disciplinary advantage in mechanical and electrical engineering, energy, material science, information technology, bioengineering, business administration, the merger upgrades the new Chongqing University's academic status in China in the fields of architecture, civil engineering and environmental protection. For its further construction and development, and with the greater support of the State Ministry of Education and Chongqing Municipal Government in terms of capital investment, the new Chongqing University has readjusted its education philosophy, formulated its development scheme during the tenth "five-year plan" period. Correspondingly, the university has revised its talent-cultivation scheme and teaching program by laying stress on fostering students' innovation ability, improving students' allround quality. Thus, the university has carried out a series of new measures in its teaching reform, including: renowned professors giving lectures for undergraduate students, bilingual teaching project, innovative talent training program, the system for outstanding students to conduct a consecutive study of bachelor's degree and master's degree programs, etc. Besides, the university has perfected its credit system by adding and strengthening the major and minor specialty program, the flexible schooling system, the second-degree program, and the outstanding students training program, etc. The university has also reformed its standards and modes of choosing undergraduate students for conducting postgraduate programs without taking the entrance exam. At present, Chongqing University runs 24 colleges or faculties, plus the Graduate school, the City College, the College of Continuing Education, the College of Networking Education. The University now has a total enrollment of 35, 455 students, of which 1481 are doctoral students, 5,414 are master degree candidates, 26,433 are undergraduate students, 2,045 are vocational students , and 82 are overseas students. The university owns 15 mobile workstations for postdoctoral study, 14 preliminary-level programs and 51 secondary-level programs for doctoral study, 111 programs for master's degree study as well as 4 specialized master's degree programs, namely MBA, EMBA,MPA, master of engineering, and 73 bachelor's degree programs, 7 associate degree programs. Currently, the university has a total number of 5,834 faculty and staff members, among which 2,623 are full-time teachers, 8 members of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and of the Chinese Academy of Science (including academicians engaged from other institutions), 5 members of the Subject Appraisal Team of the Degree Committee under the State Council, 15 titled the state-level middle-aged or young experts with distinguished contribution, 171 doctoral tutors, 301 experts awarded the governmental allowance, 1,519 full professors and associate professors. Chongqing University covers a total area of 5,700 mu (about 380 hectares), with 1.39 million square meters of construction space. The university library is well equipped with modern facilities of large scale, with a collection of 2.79 million volumes, 6000 kinds of Chinese and foreign periodicals, and 140,000 volumes of E-books. In addition to electronic reading rooms, the China Education Research Network (CERNET) Chongqing Central Node is set up in the library. Chongqing University is in possession of 16 state level key subjects and key constructed subjects under the state "211 Project", 34 provincial or ministerial level key subjects. The university sets up 9 specially appointed professor posts under the "Yangtze River Scholar Award Program". It has established 2 national teaching bases for fundamental courses and a national quality education base for college students, 5 national key labs and ministerial key labs, 17 provincial key labs, and 93 labs of different specialties. Moreover, Chongqing University has constructed the distance education center, multi-media classrooms of large scale and interactive audio-visual classrooms, labs or training centers in cooperation with world famous enterprises such as Siemens, Microsoft, IBM, Rockwell, Omron, etc. The university has a national key publishing house, a national first-class architectural designing institute, and a first-class institute for planning and design. In 2001, Chongqing University Technology Park came into being, being one of the 22 state-level university technology parks in China. Now a unique school-running pattern has been formed in the university which is characterized by offering a wide category of disciplines, rationalizing its disciplinary structure, maintaining its prominent advantage in engineering disciplines, increasingly enriching science disciplines, and further developing such lisciplines as economics, management, and humanities and social sciences. In recent years, the university has undertaken over 100 national key scientific projects of different types, and won 13 National Awards for Invention, 40 Awards for Scientific and Technological Advancement, 4 Awards for Natural Science, 968 ministerial and provincial awards, 33 Awards for Teaching Achievement. Chongqing University attaches importance to international academic exchange and cooperation. It has established inter-school exchange links with 32 institutions of higher education in 13 countries such as the USA, England, France, Germany, Italy, Canada, Australia, Holland, Japan, South Korea, Russia, etc. Since the implementation of the reform and opening-up policy, Chongqing University has sent nearly 3000 teachers abroad for further study, attending international academic conference, or for academic visit or inspection; and received over 7200 overseas scholars including some world famous scholars like Dr. Z. N. Yang, Dr. Z. D. Li, Dr. C. L. Tien, Dr. L. R. Klein. Besides, the university has forged cooperative relations with about 20 prestigious international corporations or institutions such as Siemens, Rockwell Automation, IBM, Microsoft, Lipo Group, New York Life Insurance, Omron, FUNUC and etc. Chongqing University is a university specified by the Ministry of Education to receive overseas students who are granted the Chinese Government Scholarship. Up to now, overseas students from over 20 countries including South Korea, Tailand, the U.S., Japan, Vietnam, Syria, Ghana, Mali, Iraq, etc. have come to Chongqing University for study. In 2003, there were 110 international students enrolled to Chongqing university, doing PhD degrees, or Master's degrees, or bachelor's degrees, or just studying Chinese language. The growth of Chongqing University has received much attention and concern from the state leaders. Jiang Zemin, Li Peng, and Li Lanqing once inspected the university and fully affirmed its achievements. Graduates from Chongqing University are very much welcomed by employers for their high overall quality and strong capability. Every year there are a large number of well noted enterprises or organizations coming to the university for employing its graduates, which makes the university keep a good trend in the employment of its graduate students. Since its founding, Chongqing University has become an important education base as well as a research center, providing the country with more than 10,000 advanced professionals who have become the backbone in the nation's economic construction. There are over 40 schoolfellows of the university who are now members of the Chinese Academy of Engineering or members of the Chinese Academy of Science. Famous schoolfellows who are engaged in social sciences include Yang Mingzhao (a famous poet), Yan Su (a famous lyricist) and Qian Rongkun ( a famous economist). Looking on the future, catching the historical opportunity of the West Development and of the joint financial support from the state Ministry of Education and Chongqing Municipal government, Chongqing University is fully committed to implementing the strategy of "prospering the country and Chongqing city with science-and-technology and education", sticking to its education philosophy of "taking root in Chongqing, finding a foothold in the Southwest, facing the West, Serving the whole nation, stepping towards the world", carrying forward its excellent schooling tradition, striving for the realization of its goal of developing Chongqing University into a first-class comprehensive research university in China, with unique characteristics and international fame. § 中文介绍 重庆大学是一所国家教育部直属的、拥有研究生院,本科专业涵盖了理、工、文、经、管、法、教育等学科门类的全国著名综合性重点大学,也是国家“211工程”和“985工程”重点建设大学。 重庆大学创办于1929年,早在二十世纪四十年代就成为一所拥有文、理、工、商、法、医等六个学院的国立综合性大学并闻名国内外。李四光、马寅初、何鲁、冯简、柯召、吴宓、吴冠中等一大批著名学者曾在学校辛勤耕耘,为学校奠定了坚实的学术基础,形成了严谨的治学传统。经过1952年的全国院系调整,重庆大学成为了一所国家教育部直属的、以工为主的多科性大学,1960年被国家确定为首批全国重点大学。改革开放以来重庆大学大力发展人文、经管、艺术、体育等学科专业,新学科专业的崛起进一步加速了重庆大学向综合性大学发展的进程。为了适应二十一世纪高等教育发展的需要,进一步提高学校的综合实力,根据国家有关高等教育管理体制改革的决定,重庆大学、重庆建筑大学、重庆建筑高等专科学校三校于2000年5月31日合并组建成新重庆大学,使得一直以机电、能源、材料、信息、生物、经管等学科优势而著称的重庆大学,在建筑、土木、环保等学科方面也处于全国较高水平。为了建设好新重大,国家教育部和重庆市政府给予了较大的资金投入,学校重新调整了办学指导思想,制定了“十五”发展规划,同时将2001-2002年作为新重大教学质量年,确定了按照“厚基础,宽口径,强能力,高素质”的目标来调整人才培养方案和修订教学计划,在教学中加强创新能力培养,提高学生的综合素质,学校实施了一系列教学改革新措施包括:名师上讲台工程、中英文双语教学工程、“创新人才培养”工程、本硕连读制度等,进一步完善学分制管理制度包括主辅修制、弹性学制、第二学位制、优异生培养制度等,改革推免研究生选拔标准和方式。 重庆大学现有理、工、经、管、文、法、艺、教育等24个学院,以及研究生院、继续教育学院、城市学院,网络教育学院。学校现有全日制在校学生50000余人,其中博、硕及专业学位研究生12000余人,本专科学生28000余人,其余为继续教育和网络教育学生。学校拥有博士后流动站15个,一级学科博士学位授权点16个,二级学科博士学位授权点60个,硕士学位授权点182个,以及工程硕士、工商管理硕士(MBA)、高级管理人员工商管理硕士(EMBA)、公共管理硕士(MPA)、会计学(MPAcc)、高校教师 、风景园林硕士、建筑学8个专业学位授权点,以及国务院学位办备案的博士学位授权一级学科范围内自主设置的学科专业28个,本科专业76个。在职教职工5776人,其中专任教师2615人,中国工程院院士及中国科学院院士10人(含外聘两院院士),国务院学位委员会学科评议组成员5人,国家级有突出贡献的中青年专家15人,“长江学者奖励计划”15人,博士生导师224人,享受政府特殊津贴专家301人,教授和副教授1400余人。 重庆大学校园占地总面积5700亩,校舍建筑面积141万多平方米。学校拥有规模大设施先进馆内藏书285多万册,中外期刊6000余种,电子图书20万多册,建有电子阅览室,中国教育科研网络重庆中心节点站也设在本校。学校拥有国家重点建设科技创新平台8个,国家重点学科及国家“211工程”重点建设学科16个;省部级重点学科34个;建有国家基础课程教学基地和国家大学生文化素质教育基地3个、国家重点实验室、教育部重点实验室5个,省级重点实验室45个,其它各类专业实验室93个;建有远程教育中心、规模较大的多媒体教室和多媒体交互式语音教室、外国知名企业在学校设立的实验室或培训中心(如西门子、微软、IBM、罗克韦尔、欧姆龙、法拉克等);拥有国家甲级建筑设计研究院和规划设计研究院、国家重点出版社等,学校主编全国公开发行的专业刊物8种;建有重庆大学科技园(全国首批22个国家级大学科技园之一)。形成了学科门类比较齐全、结构趋于合理、工科优势明显、理科不断充实、经济、管理和人文社会学科不断发展并各具特色的办学格局。近年来学校承担了国家自然科学重点基金项目、“九五”攻关项目、863项目、国防科研项目等100余项,先后获得国家发明奖13项,科技进步奖40项,自然科学奖4项,部省级奖1000多项,国家教学成果奖42项,省级教学成果奖133项。 重庆大学重视国际间的学术交流与合作。先后与美、英、法、德、意、加、澳、荷、日、韩、俄、波等13个国家的32所高校建立了校际交流关系。改革开放以来,重庆大学派出了近3000人次出国留学、参加国际学术会议或访问考察等;接待了7200余人次的外国客人来访,其中包括杨振宁、李政道、田长霖、克莱茵等国际知名学者;先后与德国Siemens、美国Rockwell自动化、IBM、Microsoft、利宝集团、纽约人寿国际公司;日本OMRON、FUNUC、电装株式会社;香港美视电力集团近20家境外公司或机构建立了交流与合作关系。重庆大学是教育部指定的接收中国政府奖学金生的院校,目前已接受来自韩国、泰国、美国、日本、越南、叙利亚、加纳、马里、伊拉克等20多个国家的留学生。2004年共有82名外国留学生在我校就读汉语和文理工等专业,学生层次包括博士、硕士、本科和汉语进修生。 重庆大学的建设和发展一直得到党和国家领导人的高度重视,江泽民、李鹏、李岚清等曾到学校视察,对学校所取得的办学成就给予了充分的肯定。重大的毕业生综合素质高、应用能力强,深受用人单位的欢迎。每年全国各地的知名企事业单位均来学校招聘毕业生,使得我校毕业生的就业形势一直保持着良好的趋势,本科毕业生的一次性就业率均在90%以上。建校七十余年来,重庆大学已成为国家人才培养的重要基地和科学研究中心,为国家输送了十万余名高级专门人才,他们成为了国家经济建设和社会发展各条战线的中坚力量。其中当选为中国科学院、中国工程院院士的校友达40余人,从事社会科学的知名人士有著名诗人杨明照、著名词作家闫肃、著名经济学家钱荣堃等。 面向未来,重庆大学抓住西部大开发以及教育部与重庆市共建重大的大好机遇,全面落实“科教兴国、科教兴渝”的战略,坚持“扎根重庆、立足西南、面向西部、服务全国、走向世界”的办学思路,发扬重庆大学的优良办学传统,团结拼博,勇于创新,为把重庆大学建设成为国内一流、国际知名、具有自身特色的研究型综合性大学而努力奋斗! |
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