

词条 unit :6
释义 The Unit 6 Advertising Campaigns---Advertising Claim.

At the first paragraph the author talks about the opinion of ad in some people’s mind.

Many people belittle the power of the ads. They think the advertising is childish, dumb and full of lies. And it influences only the sophisticated.  They think they could obey their own mind without the attractive of the ads. They control their own desire.

And the second paragraph is not supporting the first one. Although most of people do not admire that they are greatly influenced by all kinds of ads, surveys and sales figures tells that they are lying. Actually the good ads have dramatic effects. People can laugh at or belittled the ads but can not ignore it.

At the beginning of the paragraph 3 are two long sentences. The purpose of all those words is to tell that people who do not care about the influence of ads can be attacked more easily than others by the adman. How to avoid it? The best way for us is to analysis the language of the advertising claim.

What is the advertising claim? The paragraph 4 gives out detailed explanations. The “advertising claim” is some assertion of the product being advertised in oral or print way. Few of these are downright lies or extremely truths. Most of them are neither bold lies nor helpful consumer information. They controlled to be neither truth nor falsehood by word confusion.

Most kinds of advertising claims are applied to similar products. Most of the brands’ products available are nearly identical. So no one could be superior. And the ad is used to create a superior one.

All these word games obey one rule. “Better” means “best” but “best” only means “equal to” . It is a little difficult to understand it. If all the brands are no differences, they should me equally good. All the bards are the best no differences. When they said one orange is the best they meant it were as good as other oranges you can by in the market. They could not say they are better than others. Because of this is not the truth.  And they can say there better than vitamin pill, breakfast drink and other products like these. “Better” is used to compare with something other than .they changed the compared subject. But the consumer can not discover it in unawareness.

The second rule is if a product is truly good, the ad will speak it out loudly. If it only compare with others he is lying.





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