词条 | 刚背兽 |
释义 | § 刚背兽 英雄介绍 (Hero Introduction): Rigwarl是部族中久经考验的真正的斗士。他带领部族保卫家园,然而面对天灾军团潮水般的猛攻下不幸失败。随着战况日下,他已经无力阻止天灾军团的集结,最后只得答应加入近卫军团。凭借他得天独厚的素质以及经过大自然净化的力量,Rigwarl的战斗方式非常残忍,使之成为战争中最不拘形式和最特立独行的一员。 A tried and true champion of his race, Rigwarl has unsuccessfully led the fight to defend his land against the onslaught of the scourge. With his diminishing ranks and inability to hold the Scourge throng, he capitulated to the offer to join the Sentinel. With his bestial fighting style reliant on his natural attributes and ritualistic purges of natural accretions, he has become an unconventional ally in the fight. 初始射程 (Base Range): 100 | 初始攻击间隔 (Base Attack Time): 1.7 初始移动速度 (Base Move Speed): 305 | 初始防御 (Base Armor): 3.0 基本属性 (Primary Attribute): 力量 / Strength | 初始攻击力 (Base Damage): 52 - 62 初始力量值 (Base Strength): 22 | 初始敏捷值 (Base Agility): 17 | 初始智力值 (Base Intelligence): 14 力量增长系数 (Strength Growth): 2.70 | 敏捷增长系数 (Agility Growth): 1.80 | 智力增长系数 (Intelligence Growth): 2.20 查看完整数据 粘稠鼻液 (Viscous Nasal Goo) 【G】 用鼻涕包裹一个敌方单位,降低他的移动速度,减少他的护甲。 效果可累积4次,持续5秒。 施法距离:600 冷却时间:1.5秒 魔法消耗:30点 Covers a target in snot, causing it to have reduced armor and move speed. Casts on the same target are cumulative. 一级 - 减少1点的护甲,降低20%的移动速度。每次施法,累积减少1点的护甲,降低3%的移动速度。 二级 - 减少1点的护甲,降低20%的移动速度。每次施法,累积减少1点的护甲,降低6%的移动速度。 三级 - 减少2点的护甲,降低20%的移动速度。每次施法,累积减少2点的护甲,降低9%的移动速度。 四级 - 减少2点的护甲,降低20%的移动速度。每次施法,累积减少2点的护甲,降低12%的移动速度。 Level 1 - Reduces the armor by 1 and the speed by 20% + 3% per cast. Level 2 - Reduces the armor by 1 and the speed by 20% + 6% per cast. Level 3 - Reduces the armor by 2 and the speed by 20% + 9% per cast. Level 4 - Reduces the armor by 2 and the speed by 20% + 12% per cast. § 刺针扫射 (Quill Spray) 【R】 将身上的尖刺发射出去,对650范围内的地方单位造成伤害。最近10秒内每次受到刺针扫射的打击会受到30点额外的伤害,可以叠加。 无视魔法免疫 英雄攻击 普通伤害 作用范围:650 冷却时间:3秒 魔法消耗:30/35/40/45点 Resays enemy units with quills dealing damage in a 650 AoE. Deals 30 extra damage everytime a unit is struck by a quill in the last 10 seconds. Damage type is physical. 一级 - 20点的直接伤害,30点的叠加伤害。 二级 - 40点的直接伤害,30点的叠加伤害。 三级 - 60点的直接伤害,30点的叠加伤害。 四级 - 80点的直接伤害,30点的叠加伤害。 Level 1 - 20 direct damage. 30 stacking damage. Level 2 - 40 direct damage. 30 stacking damage. Level 3 - 60 direct damage. 30 stacking damage. Level 4 - 80 direct damage. 30 stacking damage. § 刚毛后背 (Bristleback) 【K】 刚背兽的后背有刚毛覆盖,减少他所受到的伤害。 刚毛后背每吸收300点伤害会自动释放一次刺针扫射。 不能减少来自建筑的伤害。 Rigwal covers his back in spines, causing him to take reduced damage. Automatically releases a quill spray whenever his rear receives 300 damage. Does not reduce damage from structures. 一级 - 减少10%来自背后的伤害,5%来自侧面的伤害。 二级 - 减少20%来自背后的伤害,10%来自侧面的伤害。 三级 - 减少30%来自背后的伤害,15%来自侧面的伤害。 四级 - 减少40%来自背后的伤害,20%来自侧面的伤害。 Level 1 - 10% reduced from rear, 5% from sides. Level 2 - 20% reduced from rear, 10% from sides. Level 3 - 30% reduced from rear, 15% from sides. Level 4 - 40% reduced from rear, 20% from sides. 战意 (Warpath) 【W】 刚背兽在使用技能的时候会进入狂暴的状态,大幅提升攻击速度和移动速度,持续10秒,效果最多可以叠加4次。 Everytime Rigwarl casts a spell, he works himself into a fury. Movement and Attack speeds increase on repeated spell casts. Lasts 10 seconds. Stacks up to 4 times. 一级 - 战意提升30%的攻击速度和5%的移动速度,每次叠加提升5%的攻击速度和1%的移动速度。 二级 - 战意提升40%的攻击速度和7%的移动速度,每次叠加提升10%的攻击速度和2%的移动速度。 三级 - 战意提升50%的攻击速度和10%的移动速度,每次叠加提升15%的攻击速度和3%的移动速度。 Level 1 - Gains 30% attack speed and 5% movement speed when Rigwarl casts a spell. If he casts another spell, his attack and movement speeds increases by 5% and 1% for each successive cast in 10 seconds. 4 stacks maximum. Level 2 - Gains 40% attack speed and 7% movement speed when Rigwarl casts a spell. If he casts another spell, his attack and movement speeds increases by 10% and 2% for each successive cast in 10 seconds. 4 stacks maximum. Level 3 - Gains 50% attack speed and 10% movement speed when Rigwarl casts a spell. If he casts another spell, his attack and movement speeds increases by 15% and 3% for each successive cast in 10 seconds. 4 stacks maximum. |
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