

词条 修补匠

§ 修补匠

英雄介绍 (Hero Introduction):


Boush has been educated in the most advanced goblin technology. These mechanical systems allow him to damage his enemies from a distance, while keeping himself relatively safe. He can also upgrade his systems to allow his weapons to fire quickly. A true demonstration of the power of knowledge.

初始射程 (Base Range): 500   |   初始攻击间隔 (Base Attack Time): 1.7

初始移动速度 (Base Move Speed): 305   |   初始防御 (Base Armor): 3.0

基本属性 (Primary Attribute): 智力 / Intelligence   |   初始攻击力 (Base Damage): 43 - 49

初始力量值 (Base Strength): 17   |   初始敏捷值 (Base Agility): 13   |   初始智力值 (Base Intelligence): 27

力量增长系数 (Strength Growth): 2.00   |   敏捷增长系数 (Agility Growth): 1.20   |   智力增长系数 (Intelligence Growth): 2.20


§ 激光 (Laser) 【E】





Fires an intense beam of light at a target, dealing damage and blinding all in the area for 18(9) seconds. Deals precise damage.

一级 - 造成80点的伤害,10%的几率攻击落空。

二级 - 造成160点的伤害,15%的几率攻击落空。

三级 - 造成240点的伤害,20%的几率攻击落空。

四级 - 造成320点的伤害,25%的几率攻击落空。

Level 1 - Deals precisely 80 damage to one target, and blinds an area for 10% miss for 18(9) seconds.

Level 2 - Deals precisely 160 damage to one target, and blinds an area for 15% miss for 18(9) seconds.

Level 3 - Deals precisely 240 damage to one target, and blinds an area for 20% miss for 18(9) seconds.

Level 4 - Deals precisely 320 damage to one target, and blinds an area for 25% miss for 18(9) seconds.

热导飞弹 (Heat Seeking Missile) 【T】




he Tinker fires a rocket at the nearest visible enemy hero. Range of 2500.

一级 - 攻击1个英雄,造成100点的伤害。

二级 - 攻击1个英雄,造成175点的伤害。

三级 - 攻击2个英雄,造成250点的伤害。

四级 - 攻击2个英雄,造成325点的伤害。

Level 1 - Launches a missile at the nearest enemy visible enemy hero. Range of 2500. Deals 100 damage.

Level 2 - Launches a missile at the nearest enemy visible enemy hero. Range of 2500. Deals 175 damage.

Level 3 - Launches a missile at the nearest enemy visible enemy hero. Range of 2500. Deals 250 damage, 2 targets.

Level 4 - Launches a missile at the nearest enemy visible enemy hero. Range of 2500. Deals 325 damage, 2 targets.

§ 机器人的进军 (March of the Machines) 【C】






Calls in hordes of robotic goblins to destroy your enemies.

一级 - 每个机器人造成16点的伤害。

二级 - 每个机器人造成24点的伤害。

三级 - 每个机器人造成32点的伤害。

四级 - 每个机器人造成40点的伤害。

Level 1 - Summons a massive wave of robotic goblins to drown your enemies. Deals 16 damage per goblin.

Level 2 - Summons a massive wave of robotic goblins to drown your enemies. Deals 24 damage per goblin.

Level 3 - Summons a massive wave of robotic goblins to drown your enemies. Deals 32 damage per goblin.

Level 4 - Summons a massive wave of robotic goblins to drown your enemies. Deals 40 damage per goblin.

§ 再装填 (Rearm) 【R】




Instantly refills the Tinker's weapons.

一级 - 3秒的装填时间。

二级 - 2秒的装填时间。

三级 - 1秒的装填时间。

Level 1 - Instantly restocks all of the Tinker's armaments. 3 second casting time.

Level 2 - Instantly restocks all of the Tinker's armaments. 2 second casting time.

Level 3 - Instantly restocks all of the Tinker's armaments. 1 second casting time.





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