

词条 Charles Westmoreland

§ 人物简介

美剧《越狱》中的角色,越狱小组成员。在越狱前夕为了保住秘密与狱警队长Brad Bellick发生殴斗,不幸被玻璃扎伤腹部,流血不止,最终没能逃出铁墙而死在了医务室里面。其被关进监狱前藏在犹他州的500万美元成了越狱小组寻找的目标。

§ 角色资料


ALIAS: D.B.Cooper


LOCATION: General Population, A-Wing, Cell 13

CRIME: Aggravated Vehicular Hijacking, Vehicular Invasion, Involuntary Manslaughter and

Reckless Homicide

SENTENCE: Sixty years to life

TIME LEFT ON SENTENCE: The rest of his natural life

ELIGIBLE FOR PAROLE IN: Twenty six years


Charles Westmoreland is one of Fox River’s longest tenured inmates, currently serving his twenty eighth year.

Westmoreland was originally tried and convicted in Douglas, Arizona and served the first two years of his sentence in the Arizona State Prison at Florence. Because of budget restraints, Arizona had to outsource some of its inmates to other states. As a result, Westmoreland was transferred to Fox River in 1973.

Immediately upon his incarceration in Arizona, there were whispers that Westmoreland was, in fact, the legendary plane hijacker DB Cooper. In 1971, Cooper notoriously held a 727 full of passengers ransom until he was paid .5 million, then parachuted from the plane into the woods of the Pacific Northwest, never to be seen again. While there was never enough proof to indict Westmoreland for Cooper’s crime, there was just enough circumstantial evidence to suspect him. And that suspicion followed him to Fox River.

It isn’t easy to be an inmate whom others suspect to be a millionaire. Other prisoners constantly harass him. He’s been threatened, assaulted, one time he suffered a broken nose from another inmate who tried to extort money from him. In recent years, the physical threats have subsided. Part of that has to do with his advanced age. But after three decades of steadfast denials, many inmates have come to the simple conclusion that Charles Westmoreland is not, in fact, D.B. Cooper.





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