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释义 | MCG管理咨询集团(Management Consulting Group)——国际著名的咨询公司 MCG管理咨询集团网站:http://www.mcgplc.com/ 英文 § MCG管理咨询集团简介 MCG管理咨询集团总部设于英国伦敦,主要提供全方位的咨询和专业服务产品。2007年11月,上市公司MCG管理咨询集团通过并购CBH咨询公司,以提高绩效管理领域的综合能力。CBH咨询公司提供全球领先的绩效管理解决方案,包括:财务规划、计量管理、商业智能与工作流技术。 CBH咨询作为最新加入MCG家族的成员,将获得继续保留其名称和组织结构。它还将为MCG带来一套完整的解决方案、以及世界主要市场的有效销售和配送机构。CBH精通绩效管理流程,这将深化并扩张MCG的业务,提高财务和管理咨询方面的能力。MCG咨询并购CBH将提供急需的端到端绩效管理解决方案。CBH咨询将成为绩效的加速器,重整其工序、方案设计和技术创新以及促进方案的实施。 除CBH咨询之外,MCG还包括六个专业咨询的领头羊:Proudfoot咨询、Ineum咨询、嘉思明咨询公司(Kurt Salmon Associates)、Parson咨询、Salzer咨询和Viaduct咨询。 Proudfoot咨询:于1946年在芝加哥成立,成长为一家国际性合作伙伴,并于1987年在伦敦证券交易所上市;2000年,该公司的母公司更名为管理咨询集团公司; Ineum咨询:2003年成立于法国,2006年9月被MCG并购; 嘉思明咨询公司于2007年10月MCG收购;该公司由德国纺织工程师Kurt Salmon于1935年创立,现在业务遍及全球; Parson咨询:总部设于美国,其业务已扩展到欧洲和亚太地区,2002年被MCG并购; Salzer咨询:创建于1997年,2006年被MCG收购; Viaduct咨询:Viaduct咨询公司成立于2007年6月,起初在英国国内运作。 § MCG管理咨询集团的业绩 MCG管理咨询集团2007年上半年贸易报告出炉,尽管因为美元贬值影响了公司收入,但贸易值还是超出了期望值。 MCG于2007年6月30日开始核算的前六个月的收入总值。收入总额达到了1.005亿英镑,比去年同期增长了49%。这主要源于2006年花费1.2亿欧元(1.644亿美元)并购法国Ineum公司。美元的贬值使MCG公司的收入比去年同期减少了将近370万英镑。 税前利润及摊销无形资产增加了11%,达到810万英镑。 MCG对世界咨询师记者说:我们的订货簿显示公司2007年年初就如2006年一样,拥有稳定的客户。由于2006年并构Ineum公司,Ineum咨询和Proudfoot咨询的业绩显著增加,Parson咨询业绩也是有所上升。公司运营效率也是相当可观。 Ineum咨询为MCG咨询公司2007年上半年的业绩做出了卓越贡献,Proudfoot咨询比去年下半年的业绩有所提升,Parson咨询则并未有太大进展。 MCG认为Ineum咨询在并构后工作绩效超出了我们的期望值。2007年上半年创造了潜在运营利润460万英镑。各部门都运转正常,尤其是公共和金融部门都取得了优异的绩效。 Parson咨询在北美的业务依然没有上升的趋势。运营的损失也减少了80万英镑,2007年上半年的损失也达到了190万英镑。MCG说:我们不能在短时间内在美国地区收到投资的回报。在美国以外的商务却收到了显著成效,特别是法国地区的商务。 Proudfoot咨询的收入这个阶段也有所下降,营销利润只有660万英镑(2006年上半年:840万英镑)。由于2006年上半年业绩是异常的好,所以2007年上半年业绩有所回落也是不足为奇的。欧洲和美国也受到很大影响,逆向发展。2006年开展的巴西业务发展良好,并开始盈利。 Salzer咨询有小幅度的潜在运营损失,损失数额未20万英镑。根据发展战略,MCG将继续投资发展以满足客户的需求。 本条目包含过多不是中文的内容,欢迎协助翻译。 若已有相当内容译为中文,可迳自去除本模板。 Group consultancies Management Consulting Group PLC is an umbrella organisation for a diverse range of consulting and professional services offerings. It is comprised of six leading specialist consultancies: Ineum Consulting, Kurt Salmon Associates, Parson Consulting, Proudfoot Consulting,Salzer Consulting and Viaduct Consulting. Ineum Consulting provides a unique position in the consulting sector from strategy, organisation design, development and implementation and focuses across the following industry groups: Manufacturing, Financial Institutions, Consumer, Utilities, Telecoms and Media, Public Sector and Transportation Kurt Salmon Associates is a premier global management consultancy focused exclusively on the retail, consumer products and health care industries. Parson Consulting specialises in financial management consultancy. It has four service lines: governance and risk management, operational financial management, strategic financial management and transaction support. Proudfoot Consulting helps clients to achieve significantly increased profitability through the implementation of operational improvements leading to increased sales, lower operating and overhead costs, greater output and lower capital expenditure. Salzer Consulting is a broad based consultancy that has deep expertise and knowledge of helping clients in starting, managing and restructuring businesses in Greater China and difficult Asian markets. Viaduct Consulting is a corporate strategy consultancy, helping clients make superior investment decisions. Based in the London, Viaduct specialises in the following sectors: business services, consumer products and services, industrial products, IT software and services, media, printing and packaging, and retail. Heritage Proudfoot Consulting was founded in 1946 in Chicago. It grew into an international partnership, which in 1987 listed on the London Stock Exchange. In 2000 the parent company changed its name to Management Consulting Group PLC. MCG is listed on the London Stock Exchange All Share index in the "Support Services" sector. To accelerate Proudfoot's growth in Europe, it acquired IMR in 2000 and Czipin in 2001 and has merged these into the European Proudfoot business. Proudfoot remains a global consultancy, with offices on six continents. Parson Consulting was acquired in 2002. It was based in the United States and has now expanded into Europe and the Pacific region. Ineum Consulting was acquired in September 2006. Ineum Consulting was founded in 2003, being the former Deloitte consulting business in France. It operated in France, Belgium and Luxembourg and has now been expanded into the Netherlands. 51% of The Salzer Group was acquired in October 2006. The Salzer Group was founded in 1997 and operates in Greater China and throughout the Asia-Pacific region. It was rebranded as Salzer Consulting when it was acquired. Viaduct Consulting was created in June 2007 and operates primarily within the United Kingdom. CBH Consulting was acquired in September 2007. CBH Consulting originates from an accounting practice founded in 1950 and has been providing management consulting services for over 15 years. It operates throughout the United States. Kurt Salmon Associates was acquired by the Group in October 2007. It was founded in 1935 by German textile engineer Kurt Salmon and now operates globally. It is headquartered in Atlanta and has a network of offices throughout North America. It also has operations in Europe and Asia and partnership relationships in India and Spain. CBH Consulting merged with Parson Consulting North American in February 2008. Management's objectives To be the leading group that redefines and consolidates the management consulting industry into multi-disciplinary consulting and professional services firms whilst delivering substantial shareholder value over the medium term by acquisition and organic revenue and margin growth. Participation It is the long-term aim that 20% of the equity is held by Group employees; this will be exceeded in the medium-term due to the funding of acquisitions. |
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